Chapter Forty-Seven

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Author's Note: See? I do this all the time. I lose track of the days and then nearly a week goes by before I update again! I'm sorry! Granted, I've been terribly busy, and it's a complicated chapter for me to write. ALSO. I saw Macbeth yesterday starring Alan Cumming. I literally still cannot get over it. A one-man production of the Scottish play. It was absolutely astounding. Now, onto something completely different. Only three chapters left after this one! Make sure to comment and let me know what you're thinking! Lots of love!



Loki is fuming over our dinner and I am preoccupied with trying to focus on seeing what I am truly seeing, and not what I could be seeing. But my head is clouded with these images and nothing brings true relief. There is a distinct, sharp pain behind my right eye that no matter how many times I rub it or massage my eye socket it will not cease. I have barely touched my food and Loki is merely pushing his around his plate. I peer at him in the candlelit darkness.

He looks up at me and frowns, “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” I ask, and the sound comes out let a pent up gasp. I wince at the sound, realizing I’ve been holding my breath. Too bad that won’t kill me. No, no, I shouldn’t think like that.

“For everything,” Loki intones dramatically, but I know he means what he is saying. “For this pathetic excuse of a pre-wedding dinner, for our pathetic excuse of a king, and for me being a pathetic excuse of a man.”

I sigh, “Loki, please don’t.”

“Don’t you understand?” Loki leans forward, “I have not protected you as I promised I would. I should have realized what Odin was doing.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you honestly believe that Odin was not fully aware of the repercussions there would be? You placed yourself in direct contact with the magic of the Bifrost at Odin’s behest,” Loki says lowly. He shakes his head back and forth. “I was foolish to allow you to put yourself in that kind of danger. So, I wish to apologize for that as well.”

I shake my head, “You needn’t apologize for the actions of your father.”

Not,” he snaps at me, “my father.” I sit back a bit in my seat, surprised by his visceral reaction the phrase. I should have known.

“Sorry,” I mumble, looking down at my hands in my lap. They are covered with blood. I gasp and shake my head until it goes away.

Loki reaches his hand out toward me and I glance up at him. “Come here.” He urges calmly, his voice soft as velvet. I get out of my seat and approach his side of the table.

He smiles at me and whispers, “Kneel.” I make a face, but do so regardless, trying to unsee the image of a tearful, younger Loki. I kneel at his feet and he places his hands on my temples. He closes his eyes and I can instantly feel his magic working its way into my skin. I grab his wrist and pull his hands away, wary of the use of magic anywhere near me right now. But still, the pain is my head is relieved and I am happy for that. I pull myself up by the front of Loki’s shirt so that I am no longer sitting on my heels and he runs his fingers gently through my hair. He presses his forehead against mine and I am happy to rest like this, even for just a moment.

“I love you,” Loki whispers.

“I know,” I laugh and look at him, feigning innocence.

“You needn’t say it aloud for me to know how you feel about me,” Loki smirks. “Because I know you have said it before, and were I a betting man, I would wager I can persuade you to say it again.”

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