➵ XXXIV. Call For Help

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Friday, February 2nd, 2018, 12:00pm

Rei's POV

"It's been two weeks," I say, feeling tears falling down my face. "And we still haven't found anything. Not a trace. How can we have not found anything? Rogues all over are keeping an eye out and even Lyria doesn't know where he is, all we know is that he's unconscious in some basement. Dad, how can we not be able to find him?"

"I don't know," Dad whispers, one arm around my shoulder, his other hand coming up to gently wipe away my tears. "But we will find him, Rei. We're not going to give up."

I nod, trying to stop my sobs. Over the fourteen days since Asher's kidnapped, we've done everything we can think of to find him. The scent trail of the rogues disappeared suddenly when we tried to follow it and they must've gotten into a car where the tire tracks were impossible to follow among those belonging to hundreds of other cars. I've told all my rogues to keep an eye out for the Rulers or Asher and asked Lyria. Unfortunately she wasn't watching Asher and when she looked, he was unconscious in some basement-looking room. She can only see him and his surroundings, she can't tell exactly where he is.

Clove's tried tracking any devices the Rulers have but they've left all their phones and such at their house and they themselves aren't there. Any store or highway cameras haven't picked anything either and if they've bought anything, it was under a fake ID.

We've tried everything and we're running out of ideas.

The pack's been told about my bond with Asher and how with him missing, I'm in charge of the pack, along with Raiden since he's the Beta.

"Rei, they're all here," Scott says softly, peering into the living room.

I nod. We arranged a meeting with the other nearby Alphas, the ones that were at the RedRiver meeting a month ago, to show them what to look for and to see if they have any other ideas of what to do to find Asher. It'll be the first time we formally meet so Raiden will be there to help assure them they can trust me, as well as the rest of the Royals.

I would be worried if I look presentable or not but at this point, I don't care. My mate is missing, I'm allowed to look like crap. Well, more like crap than I usually do. They'll understand.

"You look fine, Rei," Dad says. "Not as lively as usual but otherwise, fine."

I smile weakly, "Thanks Dad."

He smiles softly, gently pressing his forehead against mine. "I love you, Rei."

"I love you too, Dad."

We stay like that for a few seconds before Zaine interrupts, "Not that this isn't adorable and fluffy but there are Alphas waiting and bitches for me to intimidate."

I pull away from Dad. "I should probably get going, don't want to keep them waiting too long."

Dad nods, giving me a quick hug before stepping back. I walk over to where Scott and the Royals are waiting, Zaine holding Stitch, who's tail wags back and forth furiously as I approach. Over the time we've had the pup, we've found that she can't keep her tongue in her mouth. She loves licking, if you let her lick your face, she'll basically give you a bath. Or she can just be walking by you and she'll lick your hand. Zaine finds it cute, I'm starting to find it slightly annoying.

Chase and Rhea take my hands as we head towards the meeting room, the others following. Stepping into the room, twelve heads turn to look at us. The four alphas, River, Blake, Drake and Nick, their mates, Jamie and the boy who must be Zero, as well as Raiden and Dean.

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