Tobi x Tiny Child Reader

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     Tobi was walking past trees, just thinking. He had a moment by himself to just think. About Rin, Bakakashi. 

     Step after step, Tobi walked on crunching leaves. "Maybe a dango will make me better for the time being," he said cheerfully.

     Tobi sped up his pace. As he was speed walking, he heard a sound and stopped. Looking around, he saw nothing suspicious, and he couldn't sense any foreign chakra. Tobi started walking again. It seemed like the sound was getting louder and louder, but he didn't sense anything suspicious, and his senses were superior.

     Tobi stopped paying attention to the sound. He hummed, trying to think about something else. As he took his next step he heard, a squeak from right under his foot. Hie stopped without setting his foot down. 'It's probably just a bug,' he thought.

     He finished his step, and heard a sound again. It sounded like a muffled scream. He immediately lifted his weight from where he stepped, and the sound became clearer. Tobi bent down and cleared some leaves from the spot he stepped in. I certain leaf moved revealed a small child. A tiny, crying child.

Tobi immediately felt guilty. He had accidentally stepped on a little kid! He brought his finger under their small head and tilted their face. Once (Y/n) saw the his swirly orange mask, a terrified look took over their face. They immediately crawled back from Tobi, slipping on every leaf possible.

'Maybe my cheerful demeanor won't be as scary,' Tobi thought. "Hey there! Tobi's name is Tobi! Let's be friends! What's your name?"

     (Y/n) curled into a ball, startled by Tobi's voice. "You seem lonely! Would like me to take you to your home?" Once Tobi asked that, he wondered how small their home would really be.

     (Y/n) started to cry, remembering their family's deaths. Tobi quietly sighed, and tried to cheer the child up.  "It's ok! I'll protect you! Come with me!" Tobi cupped his hands around the child, giving them warmth.


     Tobi was walking back to the Akatsuki base after buying a dango stick. He tried to get (Y/n) to talk, but they avoided his gaze.

     As he looked down at them, he noticed they had (h/c) hair the exact same color as their eyes. 'Usually only Naturales have those type of features,' Tobi observed.

When he made it to the base, he sat on his stone bed and looked back at (Y/n). "What's your name?" he asked cheerfully. No answer.

Tobi, who in reality had a short temper, sighed and deepened his voice to his original tone. "I said I'd like to know your name."

(Y/n) gasped. This isn't what he sounded like before! He sounded scarier and meaner. "(Y/n)!" they squeaked out, not wanting to make him sound meaner.

Tobi's voice became higher pitched again. "What a nice name! Oo! Ooo! I know! I have a dango stick. Do you want one?" Tobi lifted a dango stick to (Y/n)'s view. They slowly nodded. Tobi put the sticky dango towards (Y/n)'s face. They stood up and took a few bites. (Y/n) knew that because they hadn't eaten in days, and it wasn't a lot when they did, if they ate to much, they would throw up. They sat back down. Tobi pulled the dango away, understanding.

Tobi saw the sticky soy sauce all over (Y/n)'s face. He couldn't help but laugh. He genuinely laughed, and it wasn't Tobi laughing. It was Obito laughing.

(Y/n) tilted their head, confused. "Oh, (Y/n)! You got your face all messy!" Tobi set them down on a plain dresser, and left the room for about a minute. When he came back, he had a wet cloth. Putting one hand behind them, Tobi used the other hand to rub the sauce off.

After he was done, he set the cloth down and sat to level with the short dresser. Tobi just watched as (Y/n) walked on top of the damp cloth. They touched the part of the cloth on each side of them and clamped their hands on it. They squeezed their eyes tight, and when they opened them, visible water came from the cloth in fountains.

'So they are a Naturale,' he noted. The fountain of water came down on (Y/n), soaking them. "Can you use the wind element?" Tobi asked curiously. They turned to him for second before stepping off the cloth to try. They blew into their hands and pushed the air at the cloth. It moved. Tobi saw that (Y/n) had a somewhat good control of their power, but no where near advanced.

"Wow, how amazing!" Tobi encouraged. They looked up at him and smiled for the first time he saw. Tobi, whose main focus was the Tsukuyomi, was now growing a soft spot for the child. He felt the need to keep them safe. "(Y/n), I have an idea! If you stay with Tobi and his friends, we can protect you and make you really strong."

"Friends?" (Y/n) queried

"Yep, the Akatsuki! They're really nice, I promise!"

Tobi was the first friend (Y/n) has made, and he seemed really kind, other than his scary voice. They knew staying with they Akatsuki would be better than her starving.


This was a gender neutral one and I wanted it to be short, so here it is!

(G/t) Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now