Sakumo x Tiny (Young)Kakashi

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Request by Bibith567

Kakashi is 4 years old

"Darn jutsus," Sakumo muttered. There were shinobi that tried to kill him occasionally, but this time, he doesn't even know what those idiots did. Now, his top priority was his son, Kakashi. "Kakashi? Where are you?"

Meanwhile, Kakashi had just woke up inside a large fabric. "Where am I?" he asked to no one in particular. The fabric was too heavy to walk in, so he crawled until he saw a small light. Making his target the light, he pushed his way out. Light flooded his vision, giving him little time to adjust. When he could finally see, he gaped at the new perspective. Everything was huge! This place was noticeably his house, so it seemed he was now very small. Then, the ground vibrated with thunderous sounds. Kakashi's ears were bombarded with a extremely loud voice.

     "Kakashi are you in here?" Kakashi looked to his left to see a huge figure moving towards him.

     'Oh, right. Last thing I remember I was by the counter.' Sakumo's shadow was cast over him as he looked in the cabinets.

     "Looks like he didn't hide in here." As the boy's father turned around, he lunged at his giant sandal. He took out a kunai and threw it at his ankle. "Hm, did something bite me?"

Sakumo turned on his heel and looked down to see a small creature looking up at him. He bent down to see it was none other than his only son. "Kakashi. Hm, I wonder, what kind of jutsu did that put on you?" He reached for his miniature son, no smaller than his pinky. Kakashi squirmed a bit as Sakumo wrapped his waist with two enormous fingers.

"Father, what actually happened," Kakashi said, surprisingly not freaked out.

"I'm not exactly sure, though it is most likely a strange jutsu, as I said."

Suddenly, Kakashi started to feel light-headed. His head rocked as he felt like he was about to pass out. "It seems there might be side-effects of this," Sakumo said as he noticed his symptoms. "I'll get some water."

Gently, Sakumo sat his down on a soft stack of napkins. He dug through a cooler and grabbed a bottle of water. Unscrewing the cap, he poured a very smaller portion of water into the small lid. He make his way to Kakashi and reached behind his back. His son covered himself, now too dizzy to comprehend the situation. Sakumo gently pushed Kakashi's back forward with his index finger. With his other hand, he took the cap between two fingers and put the edge against his son's lip.

"Now, just drink this, it may help you feel better." He slowly tilted the cap, giving Kakashi access to the water. The cap who large compared to his small form, so the water fell off the sides into his lap. "Oh, sorry about that, I'll get you new clothes."

Sakumo tip-toed out the room to get his needles as Kakashi finally passed out.

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"Hey, Kakashi."

"Son, wake up."

"I have your clothes ready."

Kakashi slowly rubbed and opened his eyes. 'Dang, I'm still bug-sized.' He sat up, feeling a little better than before. As he was adjusting to the light, a pair of clothes was dropped in front of him.

"I sewed a small pair of clothes." Kakashi felt comforted by his father's soft smile. "I hope it fits."

Kakashi reached for the pile of clothes and lifted them up. They looked like they fit. He was just about ready to remove his clothing when he came to a sudden stop. He felt his cheeks warm up and he looked down, anywhere away from the large eyes above him.

"I'm turned around now, no need to turn so red." Kakashi sighed and took his garments off. His new clothes he put on were a little large but comfy.

'I look like I'm following some Ariana Grande trend,' he thought, not that he couldn't jam to some of her music. He looked up at his father, who had his back turned. "Father," he called out.

Sakumo turned around, only hearing a small squeak. "Well you're even quieter than usual," he teased. Kakashi pouted, arm crossed, but jumped as a hand landed in front of him, denting the stack of napkins.

     "I felt you squirm a bit when I picked you up, let's try this." Kakashi hesitantly stood up and climbed onto his father's open hand. Sakumo lifted his hand as slowly as possible, yet Kakashi still clumsily fell over at his movement. Sakumo walked passed the door towards his room, but came to a sudden stop when he heard a knock on the door. He sighed and let Kakashi slide into his pocket.

     When Sakumo pulled the door open, he was greeted by Rin Nohara and Obito Uchiha, two of Kakashi's somewhat friends.

     "Hello Mr. Hatake! Is Kaka-" Sakumo gave a confused face as to why the two paused, but then felt a push on his shirt. To his surprise, Kakashi's head was poking out from that pocket. He tapped his head with a huge index finger in proportion to his son, and Kakashi fell back in the soft, fabric space.

     "Looks like it's not the best time to visit," Rin said.

     "Y-yeah, we'll come back later," Obito finished. They both ran off after pulling the door shut, leaving the father and son alone.

     Sakumo went back to his room and layed on his back once on his bed. He tapped his pocket and Kakashi grunted as he slid out towards his neck. Not liking how his father tapped/hit his head he stomped over to the side of his face and kicked him. "Not very effective," he responded, "but do you want to see what is?"

     Kakashi cocked his head to the side as he watched Sakumo turn on his side to face him. He lifted his finger, twirled it, then lightly jabbed his son in the stomach, pinning him to the sheets. Kakashi, not wanted to feel even more helpless and embarrassed, made no attempt to escape. Sakumo eventually lifted his finger and wrapped two fingers around Kakashi's waist. He didn't like being picked up like this, and kicked a little in struggle.

     "What's wrong? Weren't you just brave enough to kick me?" Sakumo chuckled and set him down on his chest. He put his hand over Kakashi in a protective-like way. Since they don't show much affection to each other, this was a nice experience for them both. Soon, they both dozed off, happy and comforted by each other's presence.


Sorry for taking so long! I had school and other stories to work on, but thank you for the request!

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