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Please be alive, please be alive.

Catherine silently chanted over and over again, charging down to the docks. People around her stopped and stared at her like a mad woman, curiously murmuring about where she was going. She didn't care if they stared or spoke about her. Elizabeth had fallen into the ocean. The reason, she had known not. If it was Norrington, Catherine would kill him without hesitation. But deep down, after hearing him scream her name, she doubt he did this to her.

Fingers around the skirt of her dress tightened, pulling it higher. Trees and plants grew blur the more speed she picked up. All that training with Will was certainly paying off. It wasn't until the docks grew larger that she questioned if she ran like this with pure abilities, or pure adrenaline.


Catherine lifted up a hand, ripping off her hat and tossing it to the side. Her hair fell loose, half of it slipping out of its pins. The fiery, orangey-red curls touched her back and shoulders. The top half remained pinned at the top. She would have ripped off her shoes and dress but that would have taken too long.

Reaching the wooden docks, she spotted two soldiers crouching over the edge of the dock. They pulled up a body of a woman and laid her on the deck.

It was Elizabeth.

A sob choked out from her. "Elizabeth!" Catherine screamed, racing up to the soldiers.

The two soldiers turned to look at her for a moment. "Ay! What do you think you're doing?" The thicker man shouted to her.

Throwing herself on the ground, she pushed the thinner man out of the way. "This is my cousin, you idiot!" She snapped at him, looking feral. Catherine looked down at Elizabeth, soaked and unconscious. It suddenly hit her that her dress was ripped off, leaving her in her undergarments.

"Not breathing!" The thinner man panicked, kneeling beside Catherine.

Holding her face, Catherine gently shook her cousin's face. "Lizzy, oh god, Lizzy wake up." She sobbed, her body shaking.

"Move!" A new voice shouted, pushing the soldiers out of the way, not bothering to touch Catherine. She watched the mans dirty hands reach across Elizabeth's body. He used a knife and sliced open her corset, making Catherine gasp at the violent act.

Instantly, her cousin woke up, gasping and coughing out water. Catherine gasped out her name, cradling her face. "Oh my god, Lizzy!" The frantic shaking of the words only grew. Elizabeth looked up to Catherine, letting out a sigh of relief. She barely sat up, leaning into her cousin's arm. "Oh thank god." Catherine breathed out, holding her to her chest.

"Never would have thought of that." The soldier spoke.

"Clearly you've never been to Singapore." The new voice spoke.

Catherine turned her head to look at the mysterious hero. Freezing, her breath hitched in her throat at what she saw.

It was a pirate.

His dark eyes met hers and he froze as well.

Blinking, she found herself in a confusing mindset. This pirate was so handsome? She couldn't believe those were the thoughts that echoed in her mind. He was filthy, perfectly wretched but he was so beautiful. It shocked her so much. Such an improper being struck Catherine in a way she's never been before. Theodore was a handsome man; but, the man before her was the most beautiful man she's ever met.

Studying his appearance, she noticed the pirate was soaked entirely. It then occurred to Catherine he saved Elizabeth.

"Thank you." She breathed to him, holding Elizabeth's head to her chest.

The Sun and The Moon (Jack Sparrow)Where stories live. Discover now