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The ship was quiet during the voyage back to Port Royal. Most of the soldiers, including Commodore Norrington and Governor Swann, were all fast asleep. Catherine and Elizabeth had still been awake, sitting inside their shared cabin in silence.

Neither one of them knew exactly what to say after they had finished speaking of what happened. Catherine was beside herself with Will. She couldn't believe he didn't say anything to Elizabeth, other than making a comment about the Commodore worrying for her. It was the perfect opportunity for Will to confess his feelings for Elizabeth. Catherine had hoped that one of them would say something, but her hopes were rather low.

A feeling in her gut twisted, reminding her of her avoidance to speak to Jack. She was angry at herself for not speaking to him of the small things between then, and yet, she was relieved.

Shaking her head, she moved the thoughts of him out, focusing on her attention on her heartbroken cousin. She wrapped an arm around her shoulders, giving a comforting squeeze. "I wish things could be different, Lizzy, I really do." Catherine bit her lip, "I thought he'd say something, anything really." She bit back the comments about her cousin possibly making an effort.

"So do I," Elizabeth said quietly, swallowing the lump in her throat. "But all that matters to me now is that he is alive. I can sleep better knowing he is alive, not dead because I was so stupid." She shifted uncomfortably.

"Don't talk like that," Catherine tsk softly. "You thought you were helping, possibly saving the town. You also were trying to keep yourself alive, but still." She moved her cousin's chin to look at her, "You were very brave for what you did, Lizzy. Bravery and idiocy tend to go hand in hand I've learned from watching Will." She laughed, earning a small laugh from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth grasped Catherine's hands, squeezing them tightly in hers. "Thank you, Catherine, for always being there for me," She smiled softly, turning more to look at her cousin. "Now, what about you?"

This took Catherine back entirely.

"What about me?"

"What about you and Jack?"

Catherine hesitated, unsure of what to say, "There is nothing there, Lizzy." She couldn't tell if it was a lie. It tasted almost metallic in her mouth to say out loud.

The knowing cousin raised her brows, her eyes showing she wasn't buying it for one second. "I know you feel something for him. I also know you well enough to know you haven't said anything." This earned her a burning glare. Elizabeth ignored it, holding her hands tighter. "But you should Catherine, you have a chance to talk to him. You must. Do it for the ones who aren't able to." There was a sadness in her eyes that made Catherine's glare begin to fade.

"I don't even know what to say," She whispered, sounding ashamed to even be saying those words.

"It will come to you," Elizabeth reassured. "Go to him, Catherine. I know you want too." She nodded to the door, staring at her cousin.

Catherine looked up at the door, feeling insecure all of a sudden. Looking back to Elizabeth, she sighed, giving a small nod. "Fine." She muttered, rising to her feet and walking out of the door.

The deck was entirely empty, giving her the perfect opportunity to disappear below deck to the brig. It was quiet for the most part, small sounds, such as the ship creaking, filling the empty void. There was no one else around the cells, no one watching the pirate who laid awake on the wooden boards. Her foot steps caught Jack's attention, making him snap his head towards the new noise. "Catherine?" He questioned, expecting her to be one of the last people who'd visit him. "What are you doing down here?" He rose to his feet, stepping up to the bars of his cell.

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