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Hours had passed and the bar still had been raving with loud, obnoxious people.

Catherine couldn't believe how lively the atmosphere had still been. She wasn't quite sure what time it had been, though. Whatever the time was, she felt like it was late and they had been there for hours.

Fortunately, she had Will to keep her company. He had been able to find decent food for them to eat. It wasn't too bad, she was able to eat it without having her gag reflexes being triggered. The food did help ease her mind and mood. Bread, decently seasoned soup of some kind full of chicken and vegetables hugged her insides, making her realized this was the first time she had eaten all day.

Will placed his spoon back in his wooden bowl, bracing his forearms against the edged of the wooden table. "I don't know about you but I could sleep for a week." He sighed, rubbing hand over his tired face.

This made Catherine snort, tying her hair up into a loose ponytail, a few strands dangling in her face. "I feel the same way. Suppose we can find a...decent place for lodging?" She raised a brow, leaning back into her chair.

"Actually, I know a perfect place." Jack voice came right from behind her. 

Catherine turned in her chair to meet his dark eyes.

"It better not be some whore-house, Sparrow," She threatened with a pointed stare.

The pirate gave a wide, cheeky grin. "Please, Miss Bailey, why would I go to the place to enjoy the company of a women when I have you here?" His sarcastic question made Mr. Gibbs snort.

"Where is this place, Jack?" Will questioned, already at his limit of Jack Sparrow for the day.

Jack beckoned the two with his fingers, encouraging them to follow. He turned on his heels with Mr. Gibbs, swaggering out of the bar.

Catherine and Will shared an exhausted look, walking after the two men.

Out of the hot, suffocating bar and into the cool, dark night, Catherine felt her tensed body begin to melt, relaxing. There still had been music and chaos around the streets, but somehow, it was more manageable. She just hoped where ever lodging had been, she just hoped she wouldn't hear anymore noise.

The group walked in silence as Jack led the way. It was the only amount of peace it seemed to come from an island that radiated no such energy.

The lodging in question had been in quite a large wooden building. It didn't look so busy to their surprise. Inside, there was quiet, almost making Catherine moan at the sudden ease that coated her ears.

Jack furrowed his brows at Catherine's sweet sigh of relief.

"What? There's no noise in this place. Forgive me for wanting some." She grumbled, walking up to the inn keeper's desk where an older, stone-cold looking woman sat.

"How can I help you lot?" She demanded, her frizzled, grey hair standing still as she looked up.

"Four rooms if you have them." Catherine spoke much kinder than the older woman did.

The woman glared at her, confusing Catherine. She looked to Jack, raising a brow as to why the woman was silent and only glaring.

Jack merely held up a hand to Catherine, giving a reassuring look. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pouch, placing money on her book.

The inn keeper snatched the money, whipping around to pull four keys off the hooks from behind her, extending them out to Catherine. "Enjoy your stay." Her words were lighter, a wicked smile staining her lips now.

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