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A few days later...

Catherine sat upon her wooden swing that hung from the large tree in her backyard. The wind pushed her hair forward, almost as a silent coo for her to swing. But her feet remained in firm on the ground, holding her in place. She had lost track of how long she had been there on the swing. Fond memories with Will as children played in her mind, so vivid she could almost see them happening before her very eyes. Childish laughter echoed faintly in the wind as it continuously brushed through her hair, grazing across the lavender skirt of her dress. It almost made her smile, thinking back to the many bruises and scraps they endured together as children. Pushing Will with so much force on the swing he flew off, sending a young Catherine into a fit of unladylike cackling.

A faint smile graced her plump lips.

The pair had been through so much together, even more so recently on their daring adventure together. She missed the old days when they were but children, their only worries were of the not filling their day entirely before the sun set, not of such things like they have witnessed.

Another thought occurred to her in that moment. She missed Will. It created an ache in her chest, making her crave comfort from him. In the society they lived in, it would be frowned upon to receive any affection from a man that one wasn't courting, but they never cared. Usually, they (this meaning Catherine) would act out in front of crowds of people, holding hands, or engage in exaggerated hugs. After their stunts, would result in the pair howling in laughter, talking about the reactions they had received from any witnesses.

The thought made the corners on her mouth raise ever so slightly.

Wind picked up again, blowing her fiery hair over her shoulders, curtaining her face as she stared off into space. Silence was all that filled her ears and mind now, aside from the trees and grass singing their sweet melodies of serenity.

"I figured I would find you here."

Catherine lifted her head straight up, turning around to find a well-dressed Will standing. A scoff nearly came out from her. She couldn't believe how handsome Will had look in this very moment. The deep red cap on his shoulders complimented his features tremendously, even the hat placed on his head complimented him, but she knew she would tease him for that later.

Turning back around in the swing, the corners of her mouth turned up. "You and your hat found me," She couldn't help but tease.

Okay, maybe she would poke his hat now.

Under the hat, Will chuckled, truthfully finding her joke to be rather funny. He walked around the sitting Catherine, touching her shoulder as he did so. "So," he crouched down to the grass in front of her, "I haven't seen you in a few days." His dark eyes found hers, shinning with a look of worry and even hurt.

It was true, Catherine hadn't visited Will once. She sent him a note questioning how he was doing but that was it. This had been on purpose. Catherine wasn't ready to go face him, not until Jack had... She didn't want to finish the thought. But with Will standing before her now, she didn't realize how much she longed to be near her best friend.

"I know," She sighed. "I'm sorry. I just...I don't know." It was a pathetic excuse, if one could call it an excuse. Fortunately for Catherine, her best friend knew her like the back of her hand, and knew an explanation wasn't needed.

Peeling off his hat, Will couldn't help but give her a smile. "I know," He said. "I also know why, I won't push you to talk about him if you don't want too—"

Catherine instantly cut him off, "I love him."

Will paused, staring at her for a moment. Breathing in, he let the air slip out of his nose before finding her hand, taking it into his. "I know you do, Catherine. I heard," Will dropped his gaze, "I heard everything that night."

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