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As the sun began to set, peace stilled the ship as she sailed smoothly against the oceans surface. Pink and orange were painted across the sky, swirling pastel into the clouds.

No one spoke as Jack sailed, even the pirate had remained silent as he gazed across the horizon. The only sound that could be heard was the song of the ocean, and the occasional birds that flew by.

Will had been somewhere else below deck.

Catherine found herself still remaining at the front of the ship. For hours she remained there, enjoying such a rare and delicacy ambiance. She couldn't quite seem to pull herself from this spot. Anytime she did, a small voice in her head begged her to stay just a little while more, enjoy the views and sounds she could only be able to read about for the rest of her life.

The small voice suddenly whispered through her mind to look towards the pirate at the helm.

It made her furrow her eyebrows a bit at the silent command, but she looked anyway.

Jack stood, gazing down at the compass in his hand, adjusting the wheel to her perfect coordinates. For some reason, it almost made her smile.


She turned back around and took in a deep breath, thinking about approaching him.

Go, go, go.

Who knew a small voice could be so motivating?

Catherine pushed herself up from the barrel, adjusting her breathing to normal as she walked across the deck. The entire time she walked over, her hazel eyes were glued to the pirate, waiting for him to look up at see her.

Only he didn't do such a thing.

His eyes still held on to the needle of the compass, missing Catherine's stride over towards the stairs.

This time she found herself giving an amused smile that didn't quite meet her eyes.

Walking up the steps, she watched him, silencing the steps from her boots until she reached the last step. At that sound, Jack glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes, snapping his compass shut. He dropped it to dangle from his belt and adjusting his grip to his newly free hand, letting go with it opposite to openly face Catherine.

"Hello." Jack gave her a lazy grin.

"Hi." Catherine gave him a small grin, leaning her hip against the top of the railing.

Silence fell between the two for a moment.

Jack glanced at the wheel for a second, flicking his eyes to the horizon then back to her. "Is there something I can do for you?" He asked curiously, a hint of awkwardness in his voice.

She found herself smiling at that minor, minor detail and couldn't quite understand why. Instead of furthering her thought, she slowly shook her head. "No, I just wanted to see how much time we had left until we reached...uh..." She couldn't for her life remember the name of the island they were sailing to. Will had said that it was a sure place to start searching for her cousin, but she had never heard of such a place.

"Tortuga." Jack nodded. "We should be there soon." The pirate kept his gaze on the wheel, fidgeting with it as he spoke.

Catherine watched him, eyes swirling around on the wheel. She couldn't help the next words that seem to slip out from her mind. "Can I try?" A shy question she couldn't believe she asked out loud. When the pirate snapped his head to look at her, she merely just gestured with her hand to the it.

It was almost comical the look on his face.

Jack raised a brow, intrigued by her curiosity. "Have you ever steered a ship, love?"

The Sun and The Moon (Jack Sparrow)Where stories live. Discover now