Fourty Seven

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Alex and I now back in America. Mum and dad won't let Leo come so he's visiting in a few weeks.

"I hope you had a good Christmas" i tell Luca

"We did, we actually all spent it at my the kids grandmothers house... well palace" he says and i nod

"Wait I thought your mum died" I say

"Yes, I meant Theas mum" he says and i nod

"Ohh" i say, "how was it?"

"Good, she talked to Izzy and Lydia about the throne and it's open to them if they want it" he says

"Do they?" I ask

"Lydia does, I think Izzy is more focused on Italy. My brother has it at the moment. He doesn't have any children so it automatically goes to her" he says and i nod

"So are they going to take the throne?" I ask

"I think they might, it might take Izzy a bit longer to come around... or should I say for my brother to persuade her" he says

"Are you happy with that?" I ask him

"I am actually, when I saw them talking with locals and people it really opened my eyes" He says and i nod

"I guess it's hard to guide them when you've not had the best experience yourself" i say and he nods

"Exactly, I'll be proud whatever they chose" he says

"Awww" I say and he laughs

LAnyway, I heard you have a boyfriend" he says

"Who told you that?" I ask crossing my arms

"Your dad actually, I met them the other week" he says

"I swear I'm living under a rock" I say and he laughs

"Yeah he asked me the other week, don't tell anyone. We're keeping it quiet" i say and he nods

"I get it, you have a lot to think about" he says and i nod

"I just don't know if I should tell him now because I don't even know if it's going to last" i say with a sigh

"Just go with the flow lily, if it gets more serious then tell him. You have four months so just relax and enjoy your time together" he says and i nod

"Yeah your right" i say

"Of course I am" he says and i smile

"Lily, you ready for school?" Izzy asks me bursting into Lucas office

"Yeah, I'm coming now" I say

"I'll see you later" I say

"Have a good day" he says

"You too!" I say

It's starting to sink into me that I'm never going to see my grandad ever again, and it's starting to really effect me.

I usually feel really low when no one talks to me, it's when I'm not busy with anything. That is when I let my mind wonder and it all goes to shit in my head.

"Hey are you okay?" A voice asks as I sit in the canteen with everyone

"Pardon?" I ask

"I said are you okay?" Lucy asks

"Oh, yeah I'm good" I say and she just looks at me wearily before starting a conversation with Gracie

I put my head in my hand as I just mess with my water bottle.

I never got to say goodbye.

I didn't even call him whilst I've been here.

I should have rang him, I should have made time.

"Lil" I hear Alex say and I look at him from across the table and I realise I'm teary eyed

"I'm sorry, I just need some air" i say grabbing my bag and i head out of the doors towards the back of the school and there isn't anyone here.

I sit on a bench and close my eyes.


"Lil, what's wrong?" Alex asks sitting next to me

"I'm just struggling with my grandad at the minute, ill be alright" i say and he takes my hand

"It's okay to be sad" he says

"I know, it's just he usually helped me when I lost people and now he's not here" i say wiping away tears

"I'm here though" he says

"I know" i say with a small smile, "sorry I'm a mess"

"Don't say sorry, you have nothing to be sorry for" he says

I nod and I hug him and he hugs me back.

"What's going on here?" I hear Izzy asks

"I think us keeping it on the down low hasn't worked out very well" I mumble

"We could always lie" he mumbles

"That sounds fun, let's do that" i mumble and he chuckles

"Nothing Izzy" he just says

I pull away from him to see her standing with her hands on her hips.

"Really!" Lydia says

"Then how come, your brother told me that you two are dating!" Lydia says

"Wait your dating Leo?" Alex asks

"How do you know Leo?" Lydia asks

"Girls sit down" i say

They both look at each other before sitting down across from us.

"Alex and I are dating, Alex came to England for Christmas" i tell them and their jaws drop

"Alex to cut things short and cut out the lies Lydia and Izzy and princesses of Italy and of Greece" i say

"Why do they get two countries and you only get one?" He asks and i laugh

"Mum was queen of Greece, Dad was King of Italy. Again you can't tell anyone" Izzy says

"I've keep a lot of secrets, how is this any different?" He asks

"That's true, no one knows anything about you" Izzy says

"Tell us something, because if you used this against us as blackmail I want something" Lydia says

"Fine" Alex grits out, "my birthday is the 2nd April"

"Wow, I thought you were a June baby" Lydia says

"No" he says

"Wait isnt that your birthday?" Izzy asks me and i nod

"Yeah it is" i say and Izzy and Lydias heads snap towards each other

Lydia shakes her head at Izzy but Izzy nods.

What the fuck is going on?

"Okay, we're just going to go. Your having your weird silent conversation" Alex says and i chuckle and we walk away from them

"What's up with them?" I ask

"Who knows" he says with a laugh

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