Thirty Three

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I got in at one am last night.

One am.

It look be an hour to de-glam, most of that was trying to hand up my dress.

I yawn and place my head on my arms on the table and close my eyes.

I'm in homeroom and I'm thinking about if my teacher will kill me for taking a nap.

"What's up with her" I hear Alex ask

"Got in late from that birthday" Izzy lies

All of a sudden I hear squealing and two hands on my back, "you looked amazing last night"

"Thank you" i say into my arms

"Your on the news everyone is talking about it" she whispers

"Talking about what" I ask her sitting up

"Oh my god!" Jenny says walking in

"Did anyone else see Princess Lily's dress at this charity event last night!" Jenny says at the front of the class and everyone starts talking about how I look.

"Miss can you put a picture up?" Jenny asks and she nods

I'm about thirty seconds a picture of me comes up on the screen

I'm about thirty seconds a picture of me comes up on the screen

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"She's so fit" I hear Issac says

"She's beautiful!" Gracie says

"That dress! It's like it was made for her" Lucy says and i bite my lip to stop myself from smiling

"The tiara, is worth more than my life" Olly says and everyone laughs

"She looks amazing" Izzy says and i smile at her

I turn my head to see Alex looking at me, a smirk on his face.

Oh my god.

He knows.

No he doesn't.

Stop being stupid.

"So what are we doing for Halloween?" Issac asks all of a sudden.

"Halloween, thats for kids" i say, "it's just a bit pathetic really"

"Thank you!" Alex says, "finally, someone who agrees with me

"Fuck off alex" Lucy says and i chuckle

"Halloween is the best holiday! I love for Halloween" Daniel says

"It's not a holiday! It's a day and then it passes" i say and they all look at me gobsmacked

"It's a season!" They all say

"No, it's just fucking weird" Alex says and i nod

"Yeah, exactly" I say

"Kids i get it, sweets and chocolate. I get get it. In England it's a day for kids to dress up and have fun but here. What the fuck? It's just adults who have get carried away. It's not right" i say and again they all just stare at me not happy, "it's pathetic"

"Well I'm having a party" Lucy says

"Which I'm not going to" Alex says

"Come on Alex, it will be fun" Izzy says

"Why don't you go look up the definition of fun" he says and i laugh

"I don't know why your laughing, your coming to this party" Izzy says

I laugh, "I'm fucking not"

"Yes you are" she says

"No, I'm not" i say and she just rolls her eyes and i smirk

"I don't even know why they are so fixated on us going to this party next week" i say

"I know, Halloween is shit" he says

"We could say we're working" i say

"Mary doesn't open on Halloween" he says

"But they don't know that" I say and he looks at me

"Very good, they don't know fuckall about our job" he says and i nod

"Exactly, they are just clueless" i say

"What are you doing to do instead?" He asks me

"I'm going to sleep" I say and he just rolls his eyes, "what about you?"

"I'm not sure yet, might scare some kids" he says

"Can I help!" I ask and he laughs

"Yeah why not, I go in a group of people with the people I live with" he says

"That's alright, I'm talkative. People love me" i say

"I'm sure they do" he mumbles

"So what's going to happen, are we dressing up? What's going on?" I ask

"Usually we wear all black so we blend in, meet us at seven o'clock in this park" he says writing the address down, "meet us by the old oak tree, it's surrounded by smaller trees, you won't miss it"

"Sounds good to me"

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