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Alex stops the car and my mum rushes out.

"Lily! Where have you been!" She scolds me

God I feel really guilty now. I'm such a bitch for leaving and not saying anything when it's a tough time for everyone not just me.

God she's just lost her dad and I fucked off without saying anything.

"Sorry mum, I just needed some time on my own. Alex found me" i say and she looks to Alex who is standing next to me

"Thank you so much! For bringing her home! I thought she'd gotten lost or taken or something!" She rambles

"It's no problem Ma'am" he says

"Call me Clarissa" she says and Alex smiles

"Clarissa is she back!" My dad asks... well shouts

"Yeah she's here" my mum says

"Lily, you had me worried sick. I nearly had mi5 out looking for you!" My dad says hugging me

"I'm sorry for worrying you, I just needed some time alone" I say

"Well next time, bring your phone and pick a room in this house instead" my dad says and my mum chuckles

"Darling, this is Alex" Clarissa says

My dad looks at Alex and does a double take, "I'm sorry you just look like someone"

"I'm Henry" My dad says shaking his hand

"Nice to meet you sir"

"Who does he look like?" I ask

"Like Luca" I swear my mum mumbles quietly but she shakes her head

"Thank you for bringing her home safely" my dad says

"It's no problem" he says

"Would you like to come in for a drink?" My mum asks

"I wouldn't want to bother you" Alex says

"Not at all, come on in" my mum says

My mum, at any time will invite anyone into the house. It doesn't matter what has happened, she likes being a hostess to others.

"I'm so sorry" I mumble to him and he chuckles

"It's alright" he says taking my hand

We walk inside and I'm greeted by Lizzie who rushed up to me and i stumble back slightly and Alex catches me.

"Falling already huh?" He asks

"Shut up" i say and he smirks

"Where have you been!" She shouts and i flinch

"Is it me or did she just sound like Molly Weasley when Ron, Harry, Fred and George come back from saving harry?" I mumble to Alex and he laughs

"You could have died!" She shouts

You could have been seen! Gosh I love Molly Weasley she is iconic, and Julie Walters is not only iconic in Mamma Mia, but she's iconic in Harry Potter as well!

"Geez alright Lizzie calm down, no need to deafen me" i say

"I don't care! And who are you!" She asks Alex

Alex chuckles, "I'm Alex"

"The Alex?" She asks and I see Alex look at me and I look away

"Does she talk about me often?" Alex asks

"Alright enough, Lizzie go look outside it's snowing" i say and she gasps and runs away

"What the fuck is going on?" Leo asks walking downstairs in matching onesies with Emma

"Oh my god" i say smiling

"This is brilliant" i say and Alex laughs

"Who are you?" Emma asks and her eyes snap to us holding hands before me and her jaw drops

"Your Alex! Oh my god! I never thought I'd meet you!" Emma says

"Hi I'm Emma, I saw you in the restaurant but I was sat at a distance so I couldn't really see you" she says walking towards us

"That's cause you didn't have your glasses on" Leo says and she elbows Leo in the ribs.

"Geez your right Lily, he is a Greek God" she says and i blush and she walks away

"Twice in a day Lil, I can't get enough of these compliments your giving me" he says and i playfully glare at him

"Come on" i say dragging him into the living room

We sit down on the sofa and my dad walks in, his gaze landing on Leo and Emma, "what the hell are you wearing?"

"It's called comfort fashion father, you should try it sometime" Leo says and Lizzie giggles

"I don't even know why I ask anymore" my dad grumbles and i chuckle

"Here's some tea" my mum says bringing the tea pot in and placing it in the middle of the table.

"So where did you fuck off to?" Leo asks

"Language" my mum snaps at him

"Sorry, Lily where did you go to spend your free time this hellish afternoon?" He asks and I sit there amused

"I went to the park" I say

"That's boring" he says

"So..." i say trailing off trying to change the subject, I'm usually good at this but today after everything I can't really focus.

Think Lily think... I turn to Emma, "Emma, how's Cruz?" I ask

"He's good, went on a double date with Romeo and Mia" she says

"She's dating Cruz Beckham" i tell Alex and he nods

"Wait David Beckhams kids?" Alex asks and I nod

"How did you even meet?" Mum asks

"He slid into her dms" Leo says and I lean back on the sofa

"Are you okay?" Alex asks me and i nod

"I will be, thanks for cheering me up" i tell him

"It's alright" he says and I lean my head on his shoulder

"Well I don't know about you but I must be pretty high up there on your points system" he says

"I lost count again" i say and he laughs, "you make me smile a lot"

"I'm surprised you could see from down there" he says and I giggle

"How long are you going to be in England for?" Alex asks us

"We're not sure yet" my mum says, "we're spending Christmas there but I think we're all done here right?"

"We are but Lily's going to have to fly home on her own" My dad says

"Why don't Alex come with us and he can fly back with her?" Leo asks

"Can I make a request?" Leo asks

"Oh god" I mumble, "this could be anything"

"Can I go to school? With lily? Lydia is in here and I want to make things work, I really like her" Leo says

"Where are you going to stay?" My mum asks

"It's not like they will let you stay with them, you'll get up to god knows what" Emma says

"Lily and I could get a flat or something" he says

"Well have to send out more security Leo" my dad says and he nods

"It's okay, I get it" Leo says and I close my eyes

"Come on mum, he's obviously in love with her. And don't you want grandkids?" I ask

"Yeah i do, but not now! And if anyone is having kids first it's you" my mum says and my eyes widen

"No... no thank you. Not until I say so. Anything before twenty five is way too early" i say and they all laugh.

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