Twenty Five

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I walk into my house and I see Sam.

"Hey Sam!" I say and he turns to see me and smiles

"Hey Lily, how are you?" He asks me

"I'm good you?" I ask

"I'm good as well, I'll let them know your here" he says and i nod

I look around this place is fucking massive!

"Lily!" Emma squeals and i smile as I hug her

"What we you doing here?" Leo asks

"I'm spending the weekend" i say

"Yay! These guys have been boring!" Lizzie says and i laugh.

"What are you guys doing today?" I ask them

"Nothing, we have this charity ball next week" Emma says and i nod

"Do you miss getting dressed up?" Lizzie asks me

" I do actually" i say walking into the living room and we all sit down.

"My baby, you have made me so proud!" My mum gushes walking into the living room and i chuckle as she gives me a hug

"Thanks mum, where's dad?" I ask

"Meetings, he should be back later for dinner. Are you staying the night?" She asks me and i nod

"If it's okay" i say

"Of course it is, your my daughter don't be ridiculous!" She says

"I have to work tomorrow so I'll be going in the morning" I tell her and she nods

"Okay, well I'm glad your here" she says, "I've got to do a few errands but I'll be back in a few hours"

I nod, "have fun"

"I will" she says before leaving the room

"So how did you date go with Lydia?" I ask Leo

"It went great" he says and i smile

"He couldn't stop smiling when he got back" Emma tells me

"Leo is in love!" Lizzie says hugging her teddy bear I got her for her birthday two years ago

"What about you Emma?" I ask

"Actually I've been talking to one of the beckhams" she says and Leo spits out his drink and my jaw drops

"What!" He shouts

"Which one!" I say

"Cruz" she says and i smile

"Oh my god" Leo says in shock and i laugh

"What's going on? How long has this been going on for?" I ask

"A few months" she mumbles

"MONTHS!" We all shout and she blushes

"Yeah, he's actually flying out with his family for this charity event we're all going to next week and we're talking about meeting" she says

"How long is he staying for?" I ask

"Two weeks" she says

"Does his family know about you?" I ask

"Yes, I've met them over FaceTime" she says

"So what are you officially dating?" Leo asks

"I think so but we haven't said anything, we haven't actually confirmed it. I don't know. I don't know what it is" she says and i laugh

"When is he flying out?" Lizzie asks

"On Wednesday" she says and i smile

"It's a shame his dad played for United" Leo says

"Oh god, he's off" Lizzie mumbles and i smile at her

"What about you? How's Alex?" Leo asks and I laugh

"What about him? Like I've told you before, there is nothing going on between us. We just work together" i say

"You work together?!" Emma shrieks

"Yeah why?" I ask

"Has anything ever happened?" Emma asks

"Like what?" I ask

"Like a touch of the hand, banter, flirting" she says

"I mean we bully each other but we don't take it personally or seriously. And you shouldn't either!" I say

"Come on Lily, what's stopping you?" Leo asks

"Your kidding me right?" Lizzie asks, "she's getting married next year, she doesn't want to go through the heartache of having to break up with if she falls for him"

"Thank you" i say and Lizzie high-fives me

"So you do like him!" Emma says

"Oh my god" I mumble

"Come on Lizzie, let's do something" I say and she jumps up from the sofa

"Can we bake some cakes?" She asks

"Umm yes, that's a stupid question" i say

"Alright just ignore us!" Emma shouts

"Your in denial Lily!" Leo shouts

"And your delusional Leo!" I shout back

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