Thirty Six

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It's now Sunday.

All week I've been busy with school, work and royal duties that are just piling up, up and up.

Stupid meetings in person and online, appearances I have to make, galas and urgh.

I don't have the time.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks me

"Yeah why?" I ask

"Because it's the first of December tomorrow and your not excited" he says

"I just have a lot on my plate right now" I tell him as I give the woman in front of the counter her coffee.

"Lily what's going on?" He asks me and my head snaps to him

"What did you just call me?" I ask him

"Come on, how long do you think you are able to carry on lying to me?" He asks

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Mary and I have known who you are since you walked into the shop. Princess" he says

"Don't call me that" I scold

"Why not, would you prefer your majesty?" He asks me and I glare at him

"You've really known all this time?" I ask

"Yeah" he says with a laugh

"I can't believe you! Why didn't you say anything?" I ask him

"Because at first I was going to use it for blackmail if you ever did anything to annoy me but your not too bad" he says

"Oh and at first it was just a suspicion but when Izzy's siblings called you lily that confirmed it and then you and that awful excuse of it's my middle name" he says before laughing and I glare at him

"Closing in five minutes!" Mary shouts and a group of people walk out from the other side of the cafe

"Mary" I say, "you've known who I am, this whole time?"

"Well yes dear, my husband was British. He was a big fan of the royal family, and now I am too" she says and i smile

"You've not told anyone have you?" I ask them both

"Come on lil, we wouldn't do that. We were too scared that the government is watching us and they'd have us killed" Alex says and I glare at him

"I have the power to do that" I lie

"I have no doubt that you do" he says

"I can't believe this" i say

"Well honey if it makes you feel any better, no one else knows. They are too dim- witted to notice" Mary says

"So you can take that stupid wig off" he says

"It takes me ages to get it off"

"Why?" He asks

"Just because of the sheer amount of hair pins in my hair" I say and he rolls his eyes

"And you've still made my life difficult to me even though you knew who I am?" I ask him

"Your title or whatever it is, I don't give a fuck about it" he says and i smile

"Thank you, usually I get people walking around me on eggshells" I say

"Yeah well I can't be arsed with all of the fake crap" he says.

For some reason I'm sat in a diner with Alex, we both said that we didn't want to go home to here we are.

"So what are you doing for Christmas?" He asks me, "are you flying back home?"

"I don't think so, I'm probably going to spend it here. My family has been staying here cause my dad needs to do some sort of peace agreements" I say and he nods

"So it's your first christmas in America, I hope it snows" he says

"Me too! Wouldn't it be great!" I say excitedly and he smiles

"What about you? What do you do on christmas?" I ask him.

"We don't give presents" he says

"You don't?" I ask

"There are too many people and the funding isn't enough for everyone" he says

"That's sad" I say with a frown

"It's always been like that" he says with a shrug, "nothing we can do about it"

Not if I can do anything about it.

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