Chapter 11 - Flying Fish

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       The looming mountains of the Scaleless's home looked much better from afar, from a safe distance where I knew none of their cruel, grabbing paws could reach. I would even go as far as saying it looked beautiful.

   "It certainly looks better than her home," I thought bitterly, and swerved to the left sharply, inthe complete opposite direction the two of them were heading, just to see if Toothless and the Scaleless could keep up. As an extra taunt, I added, "Try to keep up, dead fish!"

   "Oh, I'll get you back for that one," Toothless answered.

   The Scaleless fixed something on the brown vines that he attached to Toothless and then the two followed me slowly.

   "Is that the best you got?" I roar back with a smug smirk as I circle back, over and under them, just to end up right before them.

   "Not even close," Toothless rumbled back.

   "Then let's see you try and follow me," I snarled and turned my head towards the sea below, the dive an easy start for him to get used to flying again.

   "Bring it on!" And with a small, high-pitched yelp from the pale Scaleless, he dove after me.

   They followed me, a little slower than when Toothless didn't have that Scaleless on his back. I tuck my wings in and began to spiral so I would go deep under water, and hopefully splash them with some of it too.

   The splash was mighty, might enough to make it rain.

   "Take that!" I roared underwater and swam under the two, from who Toothless was now glaring at me.

   I sped up and jumped out of the water in front of them and shook it off, just to drench them a second time. I flew above them and watched as Toothless tipped his wing into the sea timidly, trying out the waters – quite literally.

   "You are getting a dust-bath when we get back," Toothless snarled.

   "For that to even happen you'd have to catch me first," I smirked back as I looked down at him.

   "And it won't be too long before I do just that," he snarked.

   "I wanna see you try," I crooned and once again left them in my rain-drops.

   "Stop doing that!" Toothless roared as he cleaned his face with a shake and a little help of his paws.

   I could hear the Scaleless whining as well, but couldn't understand the jumbled mess that escaped his mouth.

   A massive arch made of stone protruded from the water before us, and I decided to test their ability to actually maneuver themselves, so I flew through rather than around. Some feathery birds flew at the top and their screeching speech hurt my ears.

   From the even higher pitched squeaks that escaped the Scaleless's mouth, I knew they were able to go through without any problems.

   "It actually did," Toothless added with a proud croon.

   The sea stack blockade before me gave me a new idea, and another reason to smirk at the two males behind me.

   "Wanna test how good it actually works?" I crooned the challenge.

   "Alpha yes," Toothless answered.

   "Then follow me," I exclaimed and shot off towards the forest made of stone, and swerved right just before hitting the first pole.

   The crash and yelp of the Scaleless behind me told me it didn't work out so well for the other two.

   "You sure you up for this?" I sassed.

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