Chapter 14 - Nest of the Worst

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       Getting lost in a moment never felt so easy.

   The wind, the company – or at least most of it – the sights, the smells the lights; it was all some of the best, most peaceful moments I've ever experienced.

   "This is... I don't have words," I admitted to Toothless and purred contently.

   "Have you never done this before?" He asked, tilting his head to the side like every time he's confused.

   "No. Or, at least I don't think so. If I did, I can't remember it," I explained and beat my wings before letting him rest his wing-tip over mine. "My time was always about surviving. Getting food for myself, for her, and- it was just never something I could allow myself to do."

   "Why did you continue to serve her? I don't understand, why didn't you just leave?" Toothless asked as we glided under a thin sheet of clouds that the Scalelesses caressed.

   "Leaving her was never an option. It still isn't. I don't even know how I'm still alive, why she didn't send someone to look for me," I grumbled and turned away to fly around a thick cloud.

   Toothless followed behind.

   "I'm sure any dragon she sends after you you can beat," he commented.

   "True, but she wouldn't only send one. And if she even got a single word of me being alive, she wouldn't stop sending dragons until I went back."


   Why did he have to know I had more to say? I thought to myself bitterly, shook my head and flew away from the cloud into the open sky. "And after time, I wouldn't be able to resist."

   He didn't have an answer for that.

   Maybe it was better that he didn't, maybe it was for the worst, but at the moment, I didn't want to hear anything he would've wanted to say.

   "Come on," he crooned, "let me show you something."

   Before I could even protests and say that with nightfall could come a potential raid sent by her, Toothless flew ahead of me, spun and disappeared through the thin sheet of clouds the Scalelesses were touching earlier.

   "Well wait up then!" I grumbled and followed him with a spin not unlike his own.

   The sight was even more magical, more calling than the one below the clouds.

   Homepoints. (Stars.) Millions upon millions of homepoints glimmered up in darker blues than I have ever seen.

   "This is..." Words failed me, and I hoped that I wasn't the only one left speechless by the view.

   "Wait a little longer. It'll get better," Toothless promised with a smile.

   "Better than this, how?"

   "I told you. You need to wait a little."

   "You know I don't have patience for anything that I don't know for sure will be worth it or not," I commented.

   "Oh, yeah, I do know that. But I also know you'll love this," he promised. "I wonder if Hiccup and she ever saw it before."

   "At this point I'm starting to wonder as well," I said.

   "Well, you could tell me a little more about yourself and then maybe I'd be able to tell if you saw it before or not," Toothless offered, and I noticed that his green eyes which seemed the same color as minty pine leaves gleamed with mischief.

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