Chapter 12 - Reality Carved in Stone

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       After that first flight together, Toothless, the Scaleless and I flew back home into the cove.

   "Why are we going back in there?" I stopped before we flew over the skyward stone walls. "We could finally go home, get away from here."

   Toothless stopped midair as well when he heard me grumbling once more. The Scaleless tried to get him to fly in the direction he wanted, but Toothless only shook his head and growled at the Scaleless.

   "He's trying to control our lives," I tried to persuade him.

   "He helped my fly, in fact, he saved me from crashing into the sea stacks when you left me behind," he groveled, eyes slitted with fury and nostrils flaring.

   I growled as well.

   "Well what did you want me to do?" I snarl aggressively. "I couldn't steer you instead of you, I couldn't pull you up quick enough—"

   "You could've stayed by my side!" he roared, rearing on the spot.

   "What good would've that been? We would've gotten in each other's way!" I tried to reason with him as any other time, but I couldn't help the slight, heavy feeling that suddenly pulled my wings to the ground. It felt like the roots of the trees below grabbed a hold of me and wanted to hold me accountable for my actions. "One wrong move, one direction that we both wanna go in and we would've crashed!"

   "You could've let us follow you! We would've stuck together and kept the other safe," he countered.

   "I don't need others looking after me, and neither should you," I snarled.

   "Caring for others is not a weakness, certainly not when they need it," he growled and finally turned away from me, gliding into the cove with the Scaleless.

   "Bold words from someone who got his tail ripped off of because of the very trait he's trying to defend," I snarled and flew past him, quick to ignore the way he snorted or took a detour so he could land the farthest away from me he can.

   The Scaleless clambered off of him, but left the weird bindings that allowed Toothless to fly on him.

   "I could shoot him," I thought blandly. "I really could."

   But one look at the happy, goofy smile that pulled Toothless's snout wide erased all thoughts of attacking the Scaleless from my mind.

   "Why do I care about how he feels? He has the contraption, he can finally fly and we can get out of here," I thought, launching myself onto the sturdy root that is slowly becoming worn from all the use I put it through.

   The Scaleless left soon after, and Toothless remained in the same spot he had landed.

   Any feelings of contempt and happiness I might've enjoyed a few nights ago dispersed into nothing in a few moments. I gripped the root tighter with my tail, and the only thing that stopped me from tightening my hold was the soft crack it let out.

   "Why can't he just accept the world we live in?" was my final thought with a shake of my head as I drifted off to – once again – restless sleep after he squinted at me.

       On the other side of the cove, Toothless charred a new spot of land for himself to sleep comfortable on. He enjoyed the soft paws of the Scaleless petting him, loosening the brown vines that allowed him to fly which made his tired body relax even further.

   After the Scaleless had gone, he was quick to catch (Y/n)'s eyes staring at him through small slits.

   "If she's gonna glare at me, then I'm gonna glare back," he decided silently.

   (Y/n) shook her head and tucked their wings closer around herself, looking away from Toothless.

   Toothless thought back to their flying route just a few hours prior; specifically the foggy sea stacks that messed with their senses. He was rightfully mad about (Y/n) leaving him in her dust like that, be he had to admit to himself: there really wasn't anything she could've done even if she did stay with him and the Scaleless.

   "She still could've led the way," Toothless grumbled, trying to convince himself that he was fully in the right, and pulled his tail before his snout so he wouldn't feel (Y/n) stare at him after she – inevitably – woke up before him.

   "But what if she made a turn that I couldn't?" His thoughts wouldn't leave Toothless alone to sleep, so he opted to exploring them before chasing after the sweet relief consciousness brought with itself. "The Scaleless never flown me like that before, he wouldn't've known what to do to follow (Y/n) properly... Or would've he? And what if she just flew above the sea stacks and followed us from there – she wouldn't've left us behind, but wouldn't be endangered herself..."

   Toothless snorted, hiding his snout in his paws.

   "When did flying become so complicated?" he thought miserably, letting his thoughts drift to the blissful seconds moments before he was shot out of the sky; shot out of the sky by the very same Scaleless that was now trying to get him back up.

   With a smooth motion, he pushed his tail aside and looked at (Y/n).

   "Why can't she realize the world can change? That reality isn't carved into stone..."

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