Chapter 2 - Fire Started

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       Battle cries of Scaleless' echoed throughout in the village of Berk. Scaleds were being slain left and right. Scaled cries echoed all over the busy village. All Scaleds fell silent as the sound of cutting wind fell through the air.

   "Night Fury! Get down!" A Scaleless yelled.

   A watchtower then exploded with blue flames. Only a shadow of an almost forgotten Scaled flew through the smoke that it had caused.


       Some of the Scaleless had captured some of the Spiked Tails (Deadly Nadders) so I gave them a helping wing and shot some of the tangled brown vines (ropes) that held them down. The Spiked Tails scatter in every way possible, grabbing a few sheep as they flew off the island.

   I hurriedly flew above the clouds, observing the island that was blown full of chaos. I heard another Scaled flying beside me, so I looked over to see another Night Wing (Night Fury). He had dark scales with glimmering green eyes.

   "I thought I was the last one," I thought to myself before our wings overlaid each other's slightly. I purred softly, the feeling welcome. As I see some of the brown vines shooting towards the other Night Wing, my body is filled with a strange feeling of dread. He didn't notice.

   "Hey! Look out!" I bellowed over the sound of raging war, and as quickly as I possibly could, I dove towards the ocean below.

   I heard the whipping noise as the vines tangled around him. A roar of pain tore out of the Night Wing as he fell towards the earth. I dove after him, grabbing a hold of the brown vines that held his wings close to his body. I nimbly wrapped my much larger wings around him after I realized I simply couldn't carry us both.

   We hit a tree before we hit the ground. Skidding to a stop, I unwrapped my wings from his body. These brown vines were much tighter than usual. I nudged him under his chin, although he didn't reply. From the rising of his chest, I could tell he was still breathing.

   I began to nibble at the brown vines; trying my hardest not to bite his scales. I continue nibbling and scratching at the brown vines, luckily the ones on his back where slightly loose and he was still unconscious.

   I heard the echoes of a screaming Scaleless. Our hunt was closing soon.

   "I'm sorry..." I thought as I gazed at his bruised body. "But I have to go."

       I took off at the same speed we landed. I sped through the trees and circled the island once more before seeing a sheep at the edge. I swooped down and grabbed the tasty morsel but didn't eat it. I ascended into the clouds above, still holding the squirming sheep and joined the herd of retreating Scaled (Dragons).

   A Fire Starter (Monstrous Nightmare) growled as she collided with my side.

   "Oh. She. Did. Not." I growled.

   Letting my anger get the best of me, I rammed into her. This caused her to drop a bunch of fish into the endless ocean below us. She looked shocked before diving after the fish that was now in the ocean and long gone. I growled to a Spiked Tail to carry my sheep, it agreed after seeing what I had done to a Fire Starter.

   I dove down, the wind hitting my scales harshly, as the nightmarish sound of my wings cutting the air filled the airy hunting grounds. The Fire Starter was hovering over the sea in panic and worry. I shot one of my blasts, hitting it on the midst of its back, causing it to fall into the ice cold water. I opened my wings just before hitting the water and began hovering. My blue fire took over the top of the water, burning around the ice I spat.

   I looked up to see the herd had moved ahead. I snapped my neck down when I heard the sound of popping bubbles.

   "This girl is helpless!" I groaned as I hovered higher into the sky.

   I dove down with my wings close to my body, sinking into the icy water. It was dark as the night sky when I opened my eyes. The fire starter was floating aimlessly with her back facing me. I opened my wings with a little struggle, but managed slowly. Using the connected fin along my tail and the fins on my paws I swam towards her. I grabbed onto her shoulders to get us both out of the water.

   With thinning patience and – a lot more – time I managed to get us both onto a nearby island. My wings were exhausted, tail and paws sore, as I passed out on the sandy beach.

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