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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Some point after Fred and George had agreed to help her figure out what spells that she needed to learn and remember for the final task of the Triwizard Tournament, George had left, and still cuddled in her blanket, Elodie had moved closer to Fred, who now had his arm around her. 

"Our products are for Weasleys' Wizard Wheeze." Fred said suddenly, as he flipped the piece of parchment he was holding open. Elodie looked up at him, confused. "I don't think we ever told you the name of it." 

"It's a great name. How many products have you got now?" She asked, hiding a yawn and trying to wake herself up a bit more - Elodie needed to go back to the Beauxbatons' carriage that night, as Fleur was expecting her at some point. 

"Twenty or so. These are the ones that are completed." Fred said, gesturing to the list of things in front of him, turning it over once again. "These are ideas, and these are in the works." 

"I see. And what does this one do?" Elodie asked, pointing at a certain product. "Extendable Ears?" She read. 

In reality, Elodie wasn't very interested in what Extendable Ears were - in fact she could figure it out herself. However, there was a certain spark in Fred's eye which was just so endearing to her. He truly thought that this was something that was going to happen, as did Elodie, but there was a hopefulness and confidence that Fred had which was so promising.

"They're flesh coloured string, and it's only an idea so far, we still have to develop them properly, but you'll put one end in your area, and put the other one under a door or something. Then, you'll be able to hear the conversation." Fred explained, sitting up slightly and gesturing with his hands. He was so enthusiastic about it, and Elodie felt a smile bloom on her lips. 

"And what about Comb-A-Chameleon? You really are going all in with the alliteration aren't you?" She chuckled, and Fred met her eyes, grinning. 

"We gotta draw them in with something." He shrugged. "But Comb-A-Chameleon is one of the better ones that we've managed to make so far, but romanian celanese acetate was rather hard to find to ship to school, so we have to wait for more.." Fred trailed off, clearly thinking hard about how he could possible acquire more of this product. "But it changes the user's hair at will, anything really."

"Sounds useful." Elodie smiled, about to point out another on the list, wondering what Mysterious Midnight Moon Madness was, when Harry burst through the portrait hole, looking rather agitated.

"Wonder what's up with him?" Fred wondered allowed, and Elodie frowned. She knew that Krum had asked to talk to him afterwards - had he said something bad?

She sat up slightly, peering over the back of the sofa, trying her best to hear what Harry was saying to Hermione and Ron. It was bad to eavesdrop, but Elodie was far too interested in the matter now.

"It's rude to listen to conversations you're not a part of, Ellie." Fred commented, looking up at the girl. Elodie stared at him until he smirked, and scrambled up so he could try and hear better as well. "Go on then, what are they saying?"

"I can't really hear." Elodie frowned, and Fred glanced at her, before standing up and pulling her out from under the blanket, dragging Elodie over to the table where his younger brother and his friends were sat. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Fred commented, slipping down into the spare seat besides Ron and pulling the Beaumont girl haphazardly onto his lap.

"Harry practically has." Ron mumbled, looking away from his brother and the girl on his lap. Then, when Harry was questioned about the younger Weasley's words, he explained the situation that had happened with Crouch, Krum and him. 

"So Crouch had just.. gone?" Elodie asked, staring at Harry. "Vanished, gone, just disappeared? But how? And who's going to judge the final task?"

"I have no idea." Harry shrugged, and Elodie felt Fred's hand wrap around her waist, thumb rotating in gentle circles there. 

"They'll find someone, probably get Perce to act in his place. Merlin if they do that, the pompous prat will never shut up about it. It'll be like getting his prefect badge all over again." Fred sighed, looking up when Elodie stood up. "Where are you going?"

"I should go back to to the carriage. Fleur is waiting and suddenly I don't feel very safe walking down  past that forest." Elodie said, and Fred jumped up. 

"In that case, I'll come with you. I'll tell you all about the Midnight Madness product." Fred smiled, taking Elodie's hand and dragging her out. There would be no way he would let her get caught.

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant