˗ˋ 12

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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Fred and George had taught her as much as they could about dragons. What to look out for, how to distract them, what colours they couldn't see and which they could - how Charlie Weasley was extremely interested in dragons. 

But even with the security of knowing just how she could get past a dragon, Elodie was so nervous she could barely focus on anything. Even with daily tasks like eating or getting ready.

More than a few times Fleur had to fix her buttons on the back of her dressd for her, and stopped her from dropping soup all over herself. She was turning into a nervous wreck, and the only thing that was keeping her sane was the idea that the second task was so far away she didn't even need to think about it. 

Because if she did, Elodie would most likely be hospitalised. Or have some sort of mental break down. Even the twins were getting nervous, trying to convince Elodie to help them with a prank or homework or just something to get her mind off of it. 

But nothing worked, and somehow, Elodie found herself in the Gryffindor common room, the night before the task. She ended up falling asleep there, and the next morning was a rush of panic and getting ready, Elodie appearing in the Beauxbaton quarters just before breakfast.

And like the few days before, Elodie had eaten barely anything. "Come on, eat up." Fleur managed to pressure her into eating, and the French girl managed to stomach a couple slices of toast and some bacon. 

A flurry of people stayed near her all day, wishing her luck and pressing her good fortune trinkets and items. Time passed quickly, and just as Elodie sat down to eat, Madame Maxime strode over to the table. 

Leaving the hall with shouts of good luck behind her, Elodie walked in silence down to the edge of the forest. "Don't panic." Madame Maxime was telling her. "I know you'll do wonderfully, just know that whatever you do, you will make us proud."

It was something much more endearing than Elodie thought she would get - Madame Maxime was usually so aloof, although Elodie had felt as if she maybe cared a little more about winning than anything else.

But maybe, during the various meetings and after defending her to Rita Skeeter, Elodie felt that perhaps she was wrong, the half-giantess had a little bit more heart in there than she thought she had. 

"What if I get hurt?" Elodie found herself asking the woman, who had stopped with her outside the canvas tent. 

"If you do, theree are paramedics nearby, and I will make sure that something is done about it." Madame Maxime leant over the girl, straightening the collar of the silky bomber jacket that chosen as her unform for this. 

She wore a white shirt underneath it, which was rather blouse-like and floaty, the neck tying with the same dark blue as the sleeve of her jacket. In that same blue, the pair of leggings that came with her shirt. 

"Mr Bagman is in there waiting." Madame Maxime straightened up, having decided that Elodie looked presentable, hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. "Good luck."

And with that, Elodie was alone outside of the tent, taking deep breaths, before entering the tent, being greeted by Bagman, smiling at Cedric and Viktor, before sitting down on a stool in the corner, rocking back and forth as she waited for Harry to arrive. 

He arrived eventually, and Bagman stood in front of them. "Well, now we're all here - time to fill you in!" said Bagman brightly. "When the audience has assembled, I'm going to be offering each of you this bag" - he held up a small sack of purple silk and shook it at them, "from which you will each select a small model of the thing you are about to face! There are different - er -varieties,you see. And I have to tell you something else too... ah, yes... your task is to collect the golden egg!"

Each champion nodded once, before falling back into silence, listening to the sound of people arriving at the arena-area. Elodie paced back and forth, and all of them jumped of their skin when the flaps on the tent opened. 

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, it's only us." Fred said, and Elodie smiled, glad to see the twins' familair faces. Only Viktor didn't react, Cedric and Harry smiling. 

"We're just here to borrow Ellie for a moment." George said. "Not too long, don't worry, we don't want to mess everything up." He added, as an afterthought.

Elodie happily left the tent, letting out a sigh when she exited, using her hands to fan her face. "Wow it was warm in there." She said. "So what's up?" 

"Nothing, you prat." Fred said, and Ellie looked to him. "We are here to wish you good luck. And if you get hurt, you can blame Charlie."

"Charlie? As in your brother Charlie?" Elodie asked, and the twins nodded. 

"Saw him just as we were walking down. 'Spose Dumbledore asked him for the dragons." George explained, and Elodie nodding, understanding. 

"Oh shit." She mumbled, seeing Bagman not too far off. "I should go back in." She said to the twins, who nodded once again. George began to walk away, and Fred was about to.

But suddenly, he kissed Elodie on the cheek, and the girl instantly blushed. "I heard kisses could be lucky."

"Well that's a load of shit." George mumbled, and Fred didn't react, simply elbowing his twin in the side. "Good luck, Ellie." George repeated, before dragging his brother away. 

Leaving Elodie in the same position as before, the girl trying to calm down - cheeks burning - before she entered the tent once again, where she would find out what dragon she would be facing. 

And she was not looking forward to it, whatever it was.

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now