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-: seventh year :-


. . .

Not too long after Fred and Elodie had begun to relax, they were called down to dinner. And as she was walking down the stairs, taking in the rather disgusting painting, plaques and mounted heads that covered the hallway walls, the Beaumont girl was bombarded by several people who hadn't had a chance to greet her before - Fred had dragged her off rather quickly.

Harry and Ron seemed happy to see her, the latter blushing a rather deep shade of pink before choking on his own spit and disappearing to the back of the room. Hermione seemed more pleasantly surprised to see her than necessarily pleased, and Ginny was rather curious to find out just who she was; they had only briefly met at Hogwarts and it seemed her brother had been going on about her since she left. 

"Now, El, I've told you everyone here, but don't be alarmed if there's more people in here." Fred lead her towards the kitchen, approaching what seemed to be a gap in the wall. "People have a habit of turning up for dinner, or staying after meetings. But I expect Mum will have told them that you're here, so it could probably just be the usual crowd. I don't see Snape being particularily excited to see you."

"Snape?" Elodie repeated, horror filling her stomach. She had completely forgotten that she would have to deal with the Potions Professor at Hogwarts. 

"Don't worry, he never stays." Ginny chimed in. "I hope Tonks will be here - I think you'll like her."

"She tends to stay." George nodded. "I reckon Dung might join us, and Bill as will. Lupin and Sirius are always here.. Kingsley might stay and Mad-Eye as well.. but it doesn't sound like it. Did Fred tell you about what happened with him?"

"You both told me when I was in the Hospital Wing." Elodie confirmed as they stopped by the gap in the wall, the others filing in as the twins and the French girl waited there. "And Bill - as in your brother Bill?"

"Yes that one. Charlie and Kaida were here in the start of July - shame you missed them. You remember Charlie and Kai, right? From the first task?" Fred peered at the girl, who nodded. "Kaida was asking after your arm, seemed shocked to hear that you had them cut open again and hoped that the scarring wasn't too bad."

"Not that either of them can talk, mind you. Both of them are completely covered in them - that's the dangers of working with dragons I suppose." George shrugged. "Come on, it sounds pretty busy in there so you hopefully won't get too many stares."

"Talking about the tournament-" Elodie began, as they moved through the gap into what was definitely rather hurried kitchen, "-Did you ever get your money from Bagman?"

"No.. we'll explain later." Fred promised, pulling Elodie over to one of the seats and sitting down in the one beside it, George taking the other seat. The twins began to talk over all the noise, and Elodie -  who was rather overwhelmed by everything at this point - took the chance to look around.

By the stove, Molly and Mr Weasley were talking quickly about something, and at the end of the table besides them, the rather recognisable eldest Weasley son was talking quietly to a man with mousy-brown hair and various scars over his face. Aligning the appearance to one of the descriptions Fred had given her, Elodie thought this to be Remus Lupin, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor from the year before.

At the opposite end of the table, sat at the chair at the head was a man dressed in what looked to be a velvet-like blazer, waistcoat and shirt, with hair that reached his shoulders - Sirius Black. Beside him was a rather squat, bald man, who was lighting some form of cigarette - Mundungus Fletcher. Across from the man Fred had nicknamed as Dung was Harry, and beside him was Ron.

Just a couple seats down from them was herself, Fred and George, and just a bit further down from them Ginny and Hermione were sat, alongside a girl with pink hair and a nose that currently resembled a duck's beak - the metamorphagus Nymphadora Tonks, who much preferred to go by her last name.

It was quite the unique crowd, and Elodie continued to watch them until Molly began serving out the food, and a plate was placed under her nose. They had begun to eat not long after that, and Elodie was rather glad that attention hadn't been drawn to her, it was much less peaceful without it.

"Molly?" Someone asked, midway through the meal, their voice sounding rather strange. Several people looked up, cutlery clinking on the edge of the plate. Mrs Weasley looked up, acknowledging whoever was speaking.

Upon looking up from her own plate, Elodie realised it was Lupin - and he was looking right at her. "If you don't mind me asking, who's child is that?"

And then all of a sudden, all eyes were upon Elodie Beaumont.

dedicated to my fave twins,
happy birthday!

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora