˗ˋ 13

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-: sixth year :-


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"Ladies first." Bagman said, offering Elodie the purple silk pouch. She couldn't help but stare at it for a moment, far too nervous for a moment, before realising that she couldn't exactly prolong this any longer. 

Her hand trembling, Elodie put her hand into the bag, pulling out a rather purpley metallic-silver dragon. She stared at it for a moment racking her brains to try and remember what dragons that Fred and George told her about. 

"Shit." She swore under her breath in French, stepping back from the group, staring down at the perfect miniature model of the Ukranian Ironbelly dragon, the number two swinging around it's neck. 

The twins had told her about this particular breed of dragon with a rather full-on interest. It was dangerous, and Elodie could already see it in the tiny model. Threatening, dark red beady eyes stared up at her, miniscule claws pinching into her palm. 

Taking deep breaths, Elodie looked around at the rest of them. Harry had a Hungarian Horntail, Viktor had a Chinese Fireball and Cedric had a Swedish Short-Snout. 

She knew she could do it, the various spells that she had gone over with the twins playing over in her mind like a broken record. Mumbling them to herself, she sat back down on the small stool in the corner, a shade of pale green as she waited for her turn. 

Listening to Cedric compete and not being able to see was almost like some form of torture - the crowds kept screaming, yelling and gasping as Cedric moved around the ring. Unable to just sit still for any longer, Elodie rose to her feet and began to take Cedric's position of pacing back and forth.

"One down, three to go!" Bagman yelled as the whistle blew again. "Miss Beaumont, if you please!"

Swallowing harshly, Elodie managed to smile at Harry as he wished her good look as she passed, nodding her head slightly in return to Viktor's identical action. 

Trembling from head to foot, her knuckles turned white as she clutched her wand tightly, walking swiftly to the entrance to the arena. Standing by the exit, Elodie looked up, seeing Madame Maxime hovering in the stands above the entrance. The half-giant nodded sharply down at the girl, who returned the nod - and came to a conclusion.

She couldn't be nervous because she needed to do her school proud, she needed to make Fred, George and Fleur proud. The twins had given up so much of their free time to help her and Fleur was constantly there to reassure her and help her.

The large arch that seperated Elodie and the arena rose up, opening just enough for the French champion to walk under, carefully approaching the rocks that built up to where the dragon was.

Her breath caught in her throat as she first got a glimpse at the Ukranian Ironbelly. It was a magnificient creature - even in her fear Elodie couldn't deny it. Her mind flashed back to the miniature model, and she stared in wonder and horror at the harsh red eyes, the metallic scales that glinted in the diluted autumn sun. 

But the fear-filled, awe-focused trance that Elodie was in got broken as almost as suddenly as it began, as the creatures spotted her and swung it's tail around, Elodie quickly dashing out of the way in order to dodge it's attack. 

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now