˗ˋ 07

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-: sixth year :-


. . .

Fred and George had began the tour as soon as their last class ended, and dragged Elodie into various hidden portraits and rooms behind tapestries. 

She had to admit, their tour was a lot more detailed than the one she had taken with Fleur. And it was a lot more fun - of course it would be, she was with Fred and George, nothing could ever be boring around them.

"So what's the first task about." George asked, the three of them sat down in one of the wider areas of a passage way. The twins had obviously turned it into a usable area, because there was shelves on the wall and cushions and blankets on the floor. 

"Who did all this?" Elodie replied with another question, and the twins looked around, their eyes travelling over the various additions to the stone passage way.

"Lee helped us - he's surprisingly good a interior design you know." Fred replied. "It took a little bit to put together but this is where we make our products."

"Products?" Elodie asked, and one of the twins got up and went over to a little hatch in the floor, which opened up to reveal a variety of brightly coloured items. 

"We're planning on opening a shop when we graduate. No idea where we'll get the money, I think we're planning on selling some next year." George shrugged, catching one of the pillows that Fred threw at him. 

Elodie caught the one he threw at her as well. Placing it behind her back, she lent against the wall, folding her hands over her legs. 

"So the first task?" Fred asked this time, sitting back down after having closed the hatch over the top of the products. He sat next to Elodie, she smiled at him, and just for a moment he stared at her, before staring at the floor. 

"I wasn't really listening.. to busy annoying one of your teachers. But it's supposed to test us, and we need to be 'Courageous in front of the unknown'." Elodie quoted Crouch, a frown on her face. "We only have our wands as well."

"So you need to prepare spells." George looked thoughtful. "I'll ask Angelina for any, see if she's got anything handy."

"No it's fine," Elodie quickly said. "I'm going to do this by myself, I need to do it by myself." She insisted, the twins looked impressed.

"Good for you, Elodie." Fred smiled, and across from him, his brother smirked, imitating him with a dopey look on his face. "So what teacher were you annoying?" They asked, looking more than intrigued in the matter.

"You can call me Ellie if you want." The French girl offered. "I can't remember his name but he has the worst hair I have ever seen on a man."

"Snape." The two brothers chorused, and Elodie nodded, recognising the name. The twins laughed. "So why were you annoying him."

"Well it was about Harry.. and he kept saying a load of.. merde." Elodie paused. "I don't know how to swear in English." She frowned.

"Don't worry, you'll pick it up here." Fred said, and George nodded.

"He kept saying Harry put in his name somehow - and after your show with an age potion, I am sure that he definetely did not put his own name in." Elodie continued. 

"So I made faces and laughed at him. It wasn't a lot but he seemed rather angry by the end. Do you have any classes with him?" She finished with a question. 

"Potions." George sounded rather upset by that, and Fred looked equally as worried. "He'll be out to get you no- Why are you smiling?" George continued, looking over at Elodie.

"Not to sound too full of myself.. but I'm rather good at potions, if I do say so myself." Elodie giggled, and the twins seemed happy. 

"Now we can properly mess with him. He'll be so angry when he finds out you can be. Maybe he'll lose sleep over it, forget to wash his hair even more than he already does." George replied.

"Forget that, I say we turn his whole classroom bright pink." Fred suggested, and whilst Elodie laughed, George shook his head. 

"No.. we need little things to annoy him. Like moving his chalk to obscure places, changing his quill with something. Make him go crazy." George suggested, and Elodie and Fred looked over at him. 

"Ok, let's just stick to me annoying him with my potion's ability? I don't want that bad of a reputation by the time I leave." Elodie laughed, before glancing at her watch and jumping up. "We're going to miss dinner."

"Oh Merlin." George jumped to his feet, estinguishing the lamps around the room. 

"George." Fred and Elodie chorused, as they were plunged into darkness. 

"Sorry, sorry." George laughed, and someone could be heard stumbling. But then, Elodie felt a hand take hers and lead her out of the dark tunnel. 

Fred didn't let go of her hand until they were far away from the passage way, and Elodie would always wonder why he did that, and why her stomach felt sort of tingly afterwards. 


𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now