˗ˋ 14

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-: sixth year :-


. . .

As it turns out, Elodie couldn't leave just yet. She still needed to be given her scores, and Elodie looked around, trying to find familiar faces in the crowd. 

The Hogwart's nurse, Madame Pomfrey was kicking up a fuss at the entrance to arena, saying something about the girl being patched up was far more important than her recieving her scores. 

Elodie agreed, but all the same, she waited for them, blood dripping down her arm and forming a small pool of deep red on the floor - a similar colour to that of the eyes of the Ukranian Ironbelly. 

Charlie Weasley was right by her side, letting the girl lean on him, she had lost far too much blood and even with the adrenaline drumming through, she still felt a bit faint. She was trembling like a leaf as well, and Charlie leant towards her.

"Do you mind if I hold you a little.. tighter." The man seemed just as awkward as either of his brothers. "I just don't want to drop you." He cringed, and Elodie frowned, nodding slightly and letting the man lift her uninjured arm over his shoulder, his other arm wrapping around her waist, supporting her a little better.

Madame Maxime rose her wand first, practically beaming down at her student. She rose her wand, a long silver ribbon shooting out and forming a nine in the air. 

Crouch gave her the same - Ludo Bagman as well. Dumbledore continued the streak - four nines in a row. And then Karakoff, raising his wand and the the ribbon shooting out of it.. a measly three.

But Elodie didn't mind. Four nines and a three wasn't bad. She supposed that the points had been taken off for her injury from the first four, but with Karakoff, she was sure it would be a bit more petty. 

The crowd cheered, Fred and George shouting the loudest. But somehow, Madame Pomfrey managed to shout louder. "Come on Mr Weasley, I can't have Miss Beaumont passing out in the arena." The nurse yelled, and Elodie hobbled over to Madame Pomfrey, who took over from Charlie and led her over to the tent that was set up. 

Cedric was in there, and he winced, looking away from the cut when Elodie first entered. "It got you good then, the Ukranian Ironbelly?" Cedric asked, curiousity taking over and he peered at the long cut up Elodie's left arm. 

"I would say so." Elodie laughed for a split second, before falling silent, the action causing a shooting pain to course through her arm. Madame Pomfrey hurried over with a potion and her wand, bandages tumbling out of her arm . 

In the arena behind them, Elodie heard shouts and gasps. "There's this to numb the pain a little bit, but I'll have use a muggle method to close the cut - it's far too big to mend with a spell. 

Elodie took several gulps of the rather nasty tasting potion, and Madame Pomfrey got to work. Luckily, the potion took away majority of the pain, and all Elodie felt was a rather weird pricking sensation in her arm as the nurse stitched her back up. 

She worked quickly, and upon finishing the stitching, a third year burst in, panting and telling Madame Pomfrey that Harry had a nasty gash in his shoulder. "I'll be right back." Madame Pomfrey said. "Don't move, I don't need the stitches ripping before I have a chance to clean the skin and bandage you up." 

Elodie nodded, watching as the nurse left. She tried not to look at her arm, feeling a little bit queasy whenever she did. But thankfully, something arrived right on time to distract her. 

"Ellie-smelly." A sing-song voice called, and Elodie rolled her eyes as the twins peered between the open flaps. Seeing that Madame Pomfrey wasn't in there, they fully entered, looking over at Cedric for only a moment, who had his eyes closed and seemed as if he was asleep.

"The Ukranian Ironbelly did quite a number on you, huh?" George eyed the cut across the entirety of her left arm, the blood surrounding it and then back up to Elodie. 

"It's fine, I can barely feel anything in it. Madame Pomfrey gave me this." The girl held up the bottle with her good arm, and Fred examined the label. 

"This is strong stuff." He said, before the both of them sat down on the end of her bed. "Don't go dying on us." Fred continued, and he seemed serious.

"What 'dya think of Charlie then?" George asked, and Elodie smiled, recounting the Weasley boy helping her - and how nice he was. She told the twins as such, and they nodded. 

"Sounds like Charlie. Maybe you'll see him in the summer again." Fred said, and Elodie stared at him. "When you come visit us in the summer - didn't think you were getting rid of us that easily, did you?"

"Of course not." Elodie smiled, and the twins mirrored her expression, but the smiles soon faded as Madame Pomfrey appeared, shooing them out, Harry, white as a sheet, beside her. 

"Let's get you two fixed up." Madame Pomfrey said, and Harry stared at all the blood, and the large cut. 

"Dragons, huh?" He said, and Elodie let out a slightly grateful laugh. 

"Yeah." She agreed, staring down at the cut, proof that she had deafeated the dragon.

She had done it, and passed the first task.

𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱, fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now