A cold January night.

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[Fades into the manor]
A blue hair boy with a man who has long silver hair is working hard on some paper work. "Undertaker" he says aggressively. "Yes. Ciel?, "how is my brother's progress on regaining his health is?" The silver haired man know as the Undertaker, smirks. "He seems to be getting better. Though this snow outside is not helping much." The blue haired boy known as 'Ciel', looks at the man. "Very well, get the chief to prepare his food. Make sure it has the 'stuff's. Undertaker smiles and nodded. [Undertaker heads to the door and walks out].

Another blue haired boy with two different colors eyes lays in bed, with a towel on his head. He growls, "My blasted brother", he coughs as he tries to get up. "Now now, you know better then to try to get up little lord", Undertaker says as he walks to the bed with a cart. "GET AWAY FROM ME. YOU!" The blue haired boy screams and then coughs violently. Undertaker as the man is known laughs. Undertaker grabs the bowl of soup with a spoon and napkin, " Here you go" he coos. The blue haired boy frowns, " I am not going to eat anything you give me. It has poison in it. I know it."

[In a room similar to a court room]

"So this is...weird I have to say the least." A man in a white gown says. "I guess Ciel and Astre Phantomive are going to pretty kill each other." The two men look at a book, one brown haired the other blonde. "Its to hap pen, soon. I suppose it's going to be quit an interesting event." The blonde one laughs while the brown haired one frowns. "..E-exuse me? Ugh sir. Angelman, can you explain where this place is and where are my sons?", a blue haired tall man asks. A red haired blonde ish woman holding on to his arm. " Mr and Mrs. Phantomive, so not worry you will know soon enough." The brown haired man says and smiles. The people know as Phantomives, look nervously at each other.

[Back to the manor]

Ciel walks down the hall of his home, to a room where his little brother is in. Ciel opens the door and frowns at what he sees. His brother and Undertaker fighting with each other, not physical no, but still. "Undertaker." Ciel says coldly, Undertaker looks at him while Astre glares at him. "I will handle him eating, your excused. Leave us alone." Undertaker looks at Astre then at Ciel. "Very well, I have more important business to attend too", Undertaker says as he walks to the door and leaves. Ciel smiles Evily, "Hello, little brother" he gushes and he walks toward the bed. Astre glares at him and yells, "Leave me ALONE!"Ciel looks at him and smirks a little, "Now, has someone had a bad day. It's okay now big brother is here", he coos at his brother.

Astre stares at him then at the wall. Ciel starts to climb on the bed and scoots next to him. " Have you eaten, hm?" Astre looks at him and frowns. "No", Astre replies coldly. Ciel frowns," We can't have that can we?" Ciel smirks as he gets off the bed and gets the soup. Astre attempts to get up but feels to bad to do so. " Little brother, shush now, don't fight, you mustn't stop eating." Ciel sits on the bed and grabs the spoon and puts it close to his mouth to make sure it's cold enough to eat, he then puts it towards and Astre, and tells him to open up. Astre slaps the spoon out of Ciels hand. Ciel frowns, "Should I get someone to help me hold you down and feed you, or are you gonna calm down?"Astre growls and glares at his brother. Ciel did in fact hire more staff, he had a new butler for Astre, two maids to make sure he was comfy and taken care of. Astre had no freedoms even while he was well he was kept under strict watch and never aloud to be alone, not really. With him being sick it was even more strict, Ciel made sure no contact either way and even went as far as to ban anyone besides certain maids to even stand outside his door. Protective or obsessive you pick. Astre would off pray for his demonic butler to come back and be okay, irony isn't it? Praying for a demon to come back. He missed the protection from Sebastian, their glares at each other. He missed him. But of course Ciel would make sure that never happend, Astre would never ever depend or love anything besides him. Ever. Astre wanted to know what happened to sebastian. Astre began forgetting things sometimes where he was. Sometimes who he was. Astre was afraid of this, he needed to get better and fast. Or he might forget who he is and why he is the way he is. But it was hard trying to love or put up with Ciel. In his mind he still is Ciel or well his version and he is the head of house phantomive, no one or nothing can be what he has done to make himself and the company the way it is.

[In a weird looking court room]

"Vincent.." A woman with Blonde and red ish hair says. The man know as Vincent is walking in circles processing what has been told to him. You see he has just saw everything that happen to his precious son I mean sons. Vincent is afraid of what's happening now and what has happened to his little Ciel and his other one Astre. Ciel was his pride and joy and he loved him so much and he wants to he with him again. Astre the spare as well. But he liked Astre was kind of like there, Astre felt like someone else's kid, like a cousins child who you see around but never talked to. Astre was in case something happened to Ciel. But of course nothing would happen to Ciel cause as look as long as he was still on earth nothing would..well before then. Vincent wasn't sure anymore, Ciel, his heir, his pride and joy stabbed him and his wife and wanted his brother to himself.

Vincent looks at his wife with her eyes filled with worry. " Rachel, I am sorry I was just trying to you know..", Rachel also was trying to process this. Ciel and her were close, she loved Astre as well. But Ciel...he was her baby, her happiness. Astre inherited her sickness and some of her personality but she never really spent time alone with him. She felt guilty and sad for Astre. But Ciel was some how her focus. He was a doll for crying out loud. Was he still her baby? Or what. Rachel needed to be strong for her and Vincent. "Vincent we must do something, we have to help them. Ciel and Astre need us." Vincent nods and looks at the door. "We will save Ciel and Astre. So that they can come to heaven with us. This is our only chance".

[The manor: 11 at night]

Ciel is spooning his little brother as he sleeps. Though Astre is wide awake his brother is sleeping soundly. Astre sleeps more during days then nights. Astre wants to desperately get away from his brother but scared of the punishment, Astre starts to think of Lizzy, Elizabeth turned her back on him although Ciel made her feel horrible. She did. Astre wants to die. He wants to just die and get away from it all. But as he starts to plot ways to die, his brother starts to wake up. "Astre, aren't you suppose to be asleep, yes you are." He stated coldly, Astre remains silent, Ciel smiles at his little precious brother. He scoots closer and hugs tightly onto his brothers back. Ciel starts to hum and Astre starts to feel tired and as he turns over to look at his brother, his eyes start to close. The last thing he sees is the bedroom door opening and hands stroking his hair. 'Oh no' he thinks as he drifts away. "Good night, precious brother." It sounds to far away now.

Astre wakes up to find himself in a new room. He feels still sick but he can feel his heart beat faster notifciting the change. His eyes dart around the room, just as he is about to yell his favorite brother walks in with Undertaker behind him. Ciel smiles at the sight of him. "Look who is awake he smiles at Astre", Astre wants to scream but just as he opens his mouth he notices that Ciel has a box with him. " what's in the box?" Astre asks trying to be cute to get an answer. Ciel sits the box at the bottom of the bed, "..hm..And how are we feeling today?" Astre looks confused but even more so when Ciel..picks him up. Astre soon realizes he alot smaller then he usually is, he looks at least two or three. "HUH" he manage to get out now noticing his voice sounds so young, " I see, you didn't know, explains the lack of yelling. Now you are more easily manageable." Ciel smiles wickedly. Astre starts to struggle while Ciel is holding him, Undertaker is giggling in the back watching him. Ciel puts him over his shoulder and starts humming as he walks out of room with Astre.

Phantomhive Family, A Return From The Dead. [Black Butler Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now