The contract

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    [In a forest far away...]

  "This..Will interesting contract....promising the price of someone else's soul...", A demon, of hunger and evil, spoke. With a haughty tone, he told the blue haired boy, "This could turn ugly. A fight..lots of deaths for what you want...". The blue haired boy smirked to the demon, "indeed", is all he said to the creature. " it a deal, then?", the blue haired boy asked with much confidence.

  "A deal it is", The demon laughs, oh silly boy. Haven't you learned from the mistakes of your brother?

Oh but he has...the blue haired boy that is.....he has learned and has made a plan that is going to work...he knows it.

   "Of course", is the only reply.

  The demon wonders how his master is being taken care of at home----has he been feed---- taken care of?------hmm....

  The blue haired boy...knows exactly where his baby brother is being hidden....he is no fool... " Undertaker", the boy says when the demons disappears, "Yes, my ear", Undertaker replies. "We must take a trip", "to where, my earl?-", "To my brother".

      Sebastian, the demon, and the new contractor to another little phantomhive headed to the place of his actual lord.

   "Hello", the demon greets the servants and lizzy and soma, who have been taking care of his young master----

   "HIYA SEBASTIAN", Finny, runs over to greet it. He has his hair messed up and looks so tired and sweaty----sebastian notes------"Finny, where are the others?".. Sebastian asks, not seeing them in the living room.

   "Well...Uh....YOUNG MASTER WOULDN'T STOP CRYING, SO WDE TRIED TO GIVE HIM FOOD THEN A BATH AND-" Finny yelled and The demon tried to make out whatever he could. It wasn't easy but he got the idea.

  "What happened after the bath?", he asked once again. "UHHH...", Finny tried to find the words to explain...

     After finally finding out what happend to everyone. Sebastian headed to the room that was being used as the nursery.

    There he was----his Young master----wide awake as everyone tried to calm his cries----welll, whines-----

   " EVERYONE OUT", Sebastian, commanded to the group who all scattered.

    "Hello there, young master", Sebastian greeted the tiny baby. Who in return cried and tried to scoot away.

   "Its okay....shhh", The demon cooed to the infant. "Sleepy", the butler asked to the infant who was almost out of it.

   The demon, in all its nature to eat and steal...gently hummed and rocked the tiny baby--- As if it came natural to him---- the baby whined------ but that was it before he was out cold..

  "Goodnight, my lord", was the last whisper before the dark.


Phantomhive Family, A Return From The Dead. [Black Butler Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now