thesrals and nargles

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"noone believes me! noone!" harry says as you walk with him in the train station behind moody. "yeah, welcome to the club" you smirked, bumping his rib and then adjusting your bag on your shoulder, when a black dog passes you and rubs its head on your arm before he runs forward.

"" you whisper and he barks back at you. "padfoot! are you barking mad?!" you cackle loudly at his words. "you'll blow the entire operetion" he grumbles but he just runs forward, and you and harry follow him quickly into a waiting room, where you find him back in his human form, covered in a black robe.

"sirius what are you doing here? what if somebody sees you?!" harry asks as he closes the door behind you. "i had to see you off didnt i?" he asks gently as you walk forward and hug him tightly and he motions for harry over. "whats life without a little risk eh?" he asks, winking at you.

"i dont want to see you chucked back to azkaban" harry says carefully. "oh, dont worry about that" sirius samiles as he leand to the side and pulls out of his pocket a folded piece of paper.

"anyway" he says as he hands you the piece of paper and you open it. "i wanted you to have this" he smiles as he sees the picture in your pale and shaking hands. "original order of the phenix" he smiles. "harry, you look so much like your dad" you say as you look at his parents. "not the eyes" sirius smiles as he puts his arm on the back of the chair. "hes got lilys eyes" he smiles.

"molly mccannon. she was killed two weeks after this was taken, voldemort wiped out her entire family" sirius says, gellert voice is cackling wildly in the back of your head.  "frank and alice longbottom" he sighs. "nevilles parents" you say and he nods. "they suffered a faith worse death, if you ask me" he says.

"its been 14 years" he says in a sigh. "still got that moustache huh?" you mutter, harry snickering as sirius hits the back of your head gently. "not a day goes by i dont miss your dad" he says, sadness tangled in his voice.

"do you really think theres going to be a war sirius?" harry asks, hes silent for a little before he nods once. "it feels like it did before" he slowly says as you fold the picture and hand it back.

"you keep it" he smiles. "anyway, i suppose yoire the young ones now" he says and you and harry look at each other with big grins. "ill see you soon dad" you smiled as you hugged him and he hugged tightly back, kissing the top of your head. "have fun and be careful" he says and you nod, and after a lasy smile, you leave the room.

you and harry run out of the room and to the packed platform, walking around, looking for your friends, harry in his dreams. "you could blow this place up with a single word" gellert says. "which one?" you ask him, curiosity coming over you. "oh there is a nice veriaty of ways to do it" he chuckles. "shut up" you mutter again, shaking your head.

you found an open door and pulled harry in and sat in the compartnent with hermione and ron, you scribbling in your notebook with a flask in your hand while ron and hermione talked.

"whats this?" harry asks. you dont reply, too deep into writing in your notebook. "what?" hermione asks. "a flask?" harry asks. "oh, she says it helps her" she shrugs, harry looks at it, suspicious.


getting at hogwarts, you got off the train and walked down the road with your friends when draco malfoy came from behind you. "im surprised the ministry is still letting you walk around free" he says, chuckling, his goons behind him.

"you mean me or him?" you ask with cold eyes and a bored tone. "noth" he answers with a smirk. "bet there are 2 cells in azkaban with your names on it" he teases and, before you know it, you launch forward and grab his neck.

"{Y/N}!" hermione shouts as she pulls you back, and after looking at you completly shocked, draco runs away.

"its only malfoy" ron says. "what did you expect" he sighs. "not my reaction, thats for sure" you sighed, worried and confused at your quick movements that you for sure did not commit.

"i didnt do it" you say. "what do you mean?" hermione asks, forrowing her brows. "it was him. he made me. i didnt even think, he did the thinking for me" you sighed, rubbing your eyes and she puts a simpathetic hand on your shoulder. this is becoming dangerous.

and so you keep going, trying to forget it. "ohh you shouldve just sqieezed his throat and watch blood gush out of his mouth and eyes!" gellert shouted, and you hit your head in respond.


you walked with neville to the carriages as he told you about his summer with his grandma, holding a plant.

"hey guys" he says as you reach the rest of the group and wait for your carriage. "hey neville" they all respond as you feel the theasrlas breath on the back of your neck, not shocked, but harry did, he turned around confused as he looked at the horse like creature pulling the carriage.

"what is it?" harry asks, you didnt hear, too deep in conversation with neville. "whats what?" ron asks. "that, pulling the carrige" harry says shocked. "nothing is pulling the carriage harry, its pulling itself like always" hermione says, confused.

you finally turn sround too, seeing the thesral and harrys fascination with it. "thesrals" you simply answer, and he looks at you confused until you hear a gentle voice.

"youre not going mad, i can see them too" the soft voice said, and you all looked up at the carriage to see a girl with white hair, reading a magazine, upside down. "youre just as sane as i am" she smiles as you all sit in the carriage with the girl.

"everyone this is luna lovegood" hermione introduces the white haired girl infront of you. "interesting necklace" you say as you look at her necklace, a jamstone at the end of it. "its a charm actually, it keeps away the nargles" she whispers.

"yours is pretty to" she says as she point at your neck, at the red ribbon tied to it. "oh thank you. its a notebook actually" you chuckle and she smiles gently at you.

"hungry. i hope theres pudding" she smiles as the carriage goes towards hogwarts.

"whats a nargle?" ron asks, but you just shrug your shoulders. "havebt the foggiest" you respind, confused, but delighted to be back at hogwarts, even with gellert grindelwald in your head.


chapter 3.... im trying to upload a lot when i start a book so people wont loose interest lol.

for those who forgot/new, the red ribbon necklace around your neck is actually a notebook that you transform into the necklace to always keep at your possesion since it contains all of your reserch, all of your own spells and potions, which of course is one of the reasons the death eaters want you :)

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yours, the red demon♧

divided mind (fred weasley x reader) book 2 {COMPLETE}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant