the beginning

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"this is mad! whod wanna be taught by me? im a nutter, remember?" harry asks as you walk to the hogs head. "and im crazy" you smirked. "look on the bright side. you cant be worse then old face toad" he jokes. "thanks ron" you said sarcastically. "im here for you mate" he smirked. "and who will be meeting us?" you ask hermione. "just a couple people." she said as you opened the door and walked in with a smile, greeting the owner.

"its a pleasure to have you back miss black, can i interest you in a shot glass?" he asks and with a smile and your palms rubbing together you walked over to him. "i would very much-" "no, shes fine" hermione called and grabbed your arm. "lovely spot" ron says from the door as he looks in. "it really is" you smirked, winking at them, and going to the back and sitting down.

"people wont come" harry says. "i second that" you said, raising your arm. "fred and george will come! and cho... and alice" she said and you sat up straight. "alright, yes" you nodded. "what got you all up and about?" ron asks. "i promised ill take care of alice" you smiled gently. "shes a very good witch, i know it, she just needs the opportunity to learn" you said, and you sat there, waiting for people to come.

you sat next to harry, gripping in your hands your flask as you watched the people infront sitting silently, not knowing what happens now.

hermione, clearing her throat, stood up "umm... hey" she smiled gently. "so.. we all know why were here. we need a teacher. proper teacher" she cleared. "she thinks we are proper teachers" you whispered as you leand towards harry, he smirked and pushed you away, chuckling, trying to stay in his serious composure.

"teachers with real experince defending themvesles against the dark arts." she said, and a boy asked. "why?" loudly. "why?" ron asks, leaning forward with an angered face "because you know who is back, you toss pop" ron rolled his eyes.

"so they say" he said boardly looking towards you and harry. "so dumbeldore says" hermione calls, defending. "dumbeldure says because he says. the point is, wheres the proof?" he asked. what a fool. "if potter could tell us more about how cedric diggory got killed..." another boy with longish hair said slowly, and harry got angered and stood up.

"im not going to talk about cedric, so if thats why youre here, you might as well clear out now" harry said quickly, and turned to you. "lets go, they think we are some sort of freaks" he said as he grabbed your wrist, but you grabbed his and pulled him back. "shut up potter" you said, pulling him to a stand. "is it true you can produce a patrouns? the both of you?" luna asked gently, and you looked over at her gentle features that reminded you of alice that was sitting in the first row next to fred.

"yes!" hermione calls, seeing an opportunity. "ive seen it" she finishes. "blimey, i didnt know you could do that" dean said, looking up at you, surprised. "harry killed a basilisk, with the sword in dumbeldores office" neville said. "and {Y/N} faught about a 100 different dark magical creatures, and shes 15" ron said. "and last year, he real did fight off you know who" hermione says, but harry cuts her off.

"wait.." he starts and you get up and take it from there. "it all sounds great when you say it like that, a real fairytale, but the truth is, there is no pixie dust for magical education" you say carefuly.

"for me, it was half luck. i didnt know what i was doing half the time and i nearly always had help" he aays, looking to the side. "hes just being modest" hermione aays. "no, hermione, im not. facing this stuff in real life, is not like achool. in school if you make a mistake, you just try again tomorrow, but, out there... when you are a second away from beind murdered... or watching a friend die right before your eyes... you dont know whats that like" harry finished, and sat back down in the silenced room.

"listen, if youre here to listen to stories, leave. and if you think this is going to be easy, leave. this is going to be work, and there are no short cuts. magic doesnt come easily, and if we want to defend ouraslves, we must learn how, and master defensive spells" you said and sat back down yourself.

divided mind (fred weasley x reader) book 2 {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now