encounter with a death eater

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"freddie?" you ask poking your head in his dorm. "yes bab?" he asks, looking up at you from the bed he and his brother sat on, working on something.

"you guys wanna go do something?" you ask with a smile, walking into the room. "im sorry love, not today, we want to finish this one" fred smiled and outstreched his hand to you, which you sadly took and he pulled you forward and kissed your cheek.

"anyone else to entertain you?" he asks as he wraps his hand around your stomach and wiggles his hand into your shirt to rub his fingers on your belly. "well harry is depressed, and ron and hermione are doing some work, so not really" you shrugged. "so what will you do?" he asks. "i dont know, ill think of something" you smiled and he kissed your cheek again. "ill come find you when i finish" he says and you nod. "bye guys, have fun" you smiled as you waved at them and they waved back and you left the room.

you walked up to your dorm and grabbed your coat, scarf and wand, and walk out of the gryffindor common room, and apparated to hogsmeade, bored and maybe you could sneak into some pub here. you started walking around, your mouth under your scarf as you looked left and right, seeing many things and shops, but nothing interesting for you, so you kept walking until you came to the end of the street, where it was dark and almost looked abandoned.

you walked around until you saw a sign. "hogs head" outside the pub was smelling. you stepped forward and pushed the door open to see a small inn with dark floors and a wooden bar, and on the wall the head of a hog.

"hello" a man smiled from behind the bar. "hello" you replied as you stepped forward and the door closed shut behind you. "how can i help you?" he asks as he watches the girl sit on a chair and unravel her mouth from under the scarf. "a beer, to start" you smiled and he nodded and in seconds a pint was infront of you which you picked up and started drinking it.

"hard day?" he asks. "not as much hard as boring" you smiled as you drank the beer, silently staring at the table.

"you should burn this place down" "and sift through the ashes for his teeth" conversations in your brain were held with gellert, sometimes he got to you. "yes, i doubt he has anything of value, this mudblooded poor wizard" "shut up" you snarrled, still trying to surpress him down.

after about half an houe, the door opened. the room was silent and you didnt lift your head when the door opened, staying focused on your empty glasses. "hello" the owner greets and you hear footsteps and... a cane, on the wooden floor. "hello" a deep voice says to your right, you stay focused.

"can i help you?" the owner asks. "firewhiskey" the voice says, and next, the chair in the same table you were in, infront of you, scraps he floor. you try to ignore, when the owner gets the man infront of you his firewhiskey, you motion for him to get you a firewhiskey too, your eyes still staring at the table, not up at the man.

"its not very polite you know" the man says. "i dont rememeber that sitting infront of someone random in an empty pub is polite" you replied as the owner gave you your glass shot. "fair enough" the voice chuckled deeply and you grab your glass and take a sip from the whiskey, looking to the side, not to gice the random man the satisfaction.

now the man infront of you only sees your profile.

"but i would appreciate it a lot if you looked at me" he says and you sigh and turn your face, looking at the man infront of you. hes pale and has piercing blue eyes and long white hair, hes wearing very official clothing, and his cane is hanging on the table, the snakes head leaning on the table.

"thats better" the man smiles. "my name is lucius malfoy" he says. "{Y/N}" you reply as you lean back in your chair, drinking from your glass. "i know" he smirks, and you raise your eyebrow at him.

"what can i help you with mr malfoy?" you ask. "do you know my son?" he asks randomly. "i do, hes quiet the rude pest..." you tell him. "how so?" he asks as if intruiged. "well, hes very rude actually, he loves tourmenting everyone" you tell him.

"what are you doing here?" he asks, again changing the subject. you look at his face again, studying him. "just for.. a drink" you tell him as you finish the glass and put it on the table. "arent you..-" "no" you stop him and motion with your fingers for a refill.

"bored?" he asks. "out of my mind" you reply, sughing. "i could help you with that" he says. interesting. you lean forward. "how?" you ask and he slides a piece of paper forward towards you, in there an address. "and what would i find there?" you ask as you study the piece of paper. "your destiny" he smiles.

you look down at the paper again in your hands. 'follow him right now!' gellert shouts. "i cant" you sigh as you put the note on the table again and look up at the mans face, his cold features and piercing eyes, the tips of his lips curled up into a smirk. "you dont strike me as a woman who cant do things" he smiles, his words making your eyes grow wide and your cheeks red. 'his dick is big' gellert says, you purse your lips together inwards. his gloved hands pull forward and his long fingers pull the paper and he motions for the owner to get you another shot, and when it arrives, he puts the paper under it and slides the glass shot back to you.

he gets up and walks around the table to stand beside you as he offers you his hand. "farewell, i hope to see you again" he says as he takes your hand from the table and kisses your knuckles and then leaves it to drop down before he passes behind you, running his hand on your shoulders and the back of your neck as you hear his cane click the floor until the door shuts close behind him.

"you alright?" the owner asks. you dont reply, you just lift the glass shot and drink from it, your fingers holding the paper as you read the address over and over.


"where would she go?" hermione asks, she and the weasley twins decided to go look for you when they saw you werent around for a long time.

"where would a crazy alcoholic witch would go?" george asks. "a pub.." hermione whispers, and they decide to go between all the bars and pubs in hogsmeade in the search for you.


"10 galleons shes here" george says. "youre on" fred smiles as hermione opens the heavy door to the hogs head, and there, she sees you sitting at a table by yourself, talking to yourself. well, thats what it looked like, they knew better that you were probably talking with the dark wizard in your head.

"oh my god, {Y/N}" fred sighs as he comes in and closer to you, hugging you. "oi freddie, george, mione" you smiled as you stood up and hugged them all.

"are you alright?" hermione ask and you nod at her, your eyes half lidded. "come on, lets get you back before anyone sees you drunk" she smiles and you nod as fred hooks his arm around you. "did you pay?" hermione asks. "malofy paid for me" you said as their eyes grew wide.

"malfoy?" they ask. "not-not the kid, his dad, with the long hair" you smiled as you gestured behind you long hair down your back. "what was he doing here?" "he asked me to join the death eaters" you snickered. "what?!" hermione asks shocked, grabbing onto your shoulders.

"what did you say?!" fred asks. "i said i cant" "and?!" hermione asks. "and he gave me this address and said ill-ill find my destiny there" you said as you pointed to your coat pocket, and hermione dug her hand in and pulled out the note and tore it to pieces, dropping them on the floor.

"thanks" you smiled at her, and after a sigh, fred hugs you as they make their way back to hogwarts with the drunk witch.


noice. anything to say? i have a thing for lucius, im sorry😂

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yours, the red demon♧

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