Now we have time

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I can tell as weeks pass by that Emma is stressed. Between her new movie and her trying to keep our relationship going is a struggle. I don't want her to worry about our relationship. I'm not upset that she's not spending as much time with me as before.

"Em?" I say walking in her apartment.
No answer.
No answer. I search the house wondering where she is. Finally the one place I should of check first was the bedroom. She sits up, on the floor, against the edge of the bed, on the verge of tears. I question if I should leave some space or comfort her. I had no choice but to comfort because she already seen my worried face.

"I didn't know you were gonna be here today."
She said sorrowfully.
"Well I would've told you if I wasn't coming, I come everyday now, you know that." I sit beside her and put a supporting arm around her waist. She shrugs down. I wait for her to tell me what's wrong but she's silent. So I break the hush tranquility.

"Emily... you want to talk?"
A tear streams down her face making more water to fall after. She instantly puts her head on my shoulder.
"I don't even know why I'm crying this happens to me practically everyday. " she says.
"What happens?" I ask.
"I don't know, just between the paparazzi and I can't sleep at night because I'm stressed...
I don't know what to do." She blubbers.

All I do is smile. She looks up at me and try's not to laugh.
"Andrew, please, don't you see I'm a mess!"
"No you're not Emma. Don't say that. Em... you are so funny and entertaining, you have a sparkling personality. And the best thing about you is your charm and charisma. You'll handle this is a comical way of humor." She blushes in her beauty. She wild her eyes and does her nose rub.

"I don't know I just feel worn down and overwhelmed by everything." She complains lightly. I quickly think of a way to cheer her up. But it's too big to just come out and say it. So I promised myself I'll wait until the time Is right. So for now I say wholeheartedly, "I'm sorry." And hug her. Eventually I pick her up and gently lay both of us on the bed until she falls asleep.

(Next morning)

I wake up and make breakfast. After what happened last night I thought this would be a sincere gesture. I see her walk out in my clothes as usual.
"Hi." She smiles.
"Hey." I laugh.
"What?" She questions.
"Nothing, you're just adorable waking up. Your hair is messy, your eyes just barely awake, and your smiling. Which is the best." I say while kissing her.

"Yeah that's good to know." She giggles.
I stare at her briefly as she eats. I study her making sure she's listening. "I'm gonna take you out to dinner tonight." I say out of the blue. She looks up startled by the broken silence. "Uh okay." She chuckles. "Okay. I have a reservation at 8:00 to that new steak house place." I say.

She just smiles and so do I.

We get to the restaurant looking for the best seat in the place. Which was the window seat.
She looked gorgeous in a black and white dress that lined her stomach and flared out to her knees. "You look amazing." I say with a smile.

"Thank you." She gleams as usual. "You look rather attractive yourself." She comebacks.
"Attractive is an understatement for me."
She frowns knowing I just put myself down.
"I don't even know how to respond to that."
She says trying to act mad.
"You're cute when you break your senseless character." I laugh.

When we get to her apartment, I have the surprise still on hold in my pocket. We sit on her couch staring into space. Her curly, still blonde hair flows over her shoulder and in my hand. I gently rub my hand through her hair, carefully putting it behind her ear.
"I have a present for you, actually." I blurt out again.
"You know, you have a habit saying thing out of no where." She laughs.

"Sorry, I've just be distracted by you I forgot to say it earlier."
I pull out a skinny, long thin box. She smirks and looks down. "You can open it now." I laugh quietly. She pulls the white ribbon that ties the grey box together. She unwraps the paper holding it together.

She looks down at the airplane tickets and the passports and beams up at me. She reads out load what it says. "To Turks and Caicos"
In shock she glances and laughs.
"Wha-how-we can't do--"
"You're done filming in 2 days. We leave in 3 days." She gazes at me with a smile and wraps me around her so I have no choice to embrace. "Thank you so much." She muffles in the crook of my neck.

"No problem. I need a getaway too. I couldn't wait." She kisses me forcefully and passionately wanting me never to break away.
"I love you." She says warming.
"I love you too."

Right now she sleeps peacefully against my chest. She's quiet with slow steady breaths. Not stressed anymore. No. Just waiting for her dream vacation.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating!
Next chapter is special!😊 - Turning Page {A Stonefield Fanfic}

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