sleep walking

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Stiles is missing.

Thinking back, Stiles has been sleep walking, which makes up for him being somewhere new and unfamiliar. But, sleepwalkers never go somewhere unfamiliar. Maybe Stiles is dreaming too, but the sensations are so real, he was able to call. Which means, all sights are out if the picture. He's probably not in a basement whatsoever. I think back to what Stiles felt, not saw.

He was freezing. It was supposed to be one of the coldest nights tonight, meaning he is probably outside somewhere.

Smell. He smelt something terrible, making his eyes water. The only place that my eyes watered was the coyote den, but that was miles away, could he actually walk that far? Or did he take his jeep?

First place: coyote den. I pull up to the wooded area, now having to walk on foot. I grab a blanket, and a backpack with socks, a sweatshirt, and shoes for Stiles.

I exhale, a white mist leaving my mouth. It was definitely cold. I start to walk with my phone's flashlight on, guiding me on my path. I roughly remember the way, when I finally see the upside down car. I make my way that way, leaves crunching under my feet.

A howl startled me, causing me to trip, throwing my phone forwards and falling on my chin. Pain seared through my chin as I touched it, blood on my finger tips. "Shit." I mumble as I stand and grab my phone.

As I reach down, voices fill my head. "Everyone has it but no one can lose it." The voices was low and whispering. I grab my phone and point it forward showing the den.

"Stiles!" I run in the den seeing Stiles shivering in the floor. "Stiles!" I touch him, but a purple glow come from my hand and into Stiles which wakes him. Stiles starts to scream and I immediately hug him, controlling his screams and movement.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" His screams fill my head.

"Stiles. Stiles. Stiles you're alright." I say into his ear. He starts to calm down and tears run down my cheeks as Stiles's pain seeped into my head. Stiles shivered and looked at me then our surroundings. I hug him tighter and his breathing starts to calm, but fresh tears fell.

"Myla?" He voice shakes.

"Yeah. You're okay." I was sitting behind him and he leaned against me, calming down. I cover him with the blanket.

"Am I?" He asks quietly.

I put my hand through his hair. "You are now." I put the socks and shoes on him as he puts the sweatshirt on. I wrap his body with the blanket as we walk back to my car.

Stiles gets in and lays his head down, falling asleep. I quickly pull my phone out and call Scott.

"Scott!" I say as he answers.

"Not now Myla we haven't found him. Stay home." He says immediately.


"Stay home Myla." Scott demands and hangs up.

I touch Stiles's hand which was ice. "Hypothermic." I say to myself before stepping harder on the accelerator.

I dial Noah Stilinski, awaiting his answer. "Myla?"

"Yes, Noah it's me. I found Stiles. His skin is ice and I'm taking him to the hospital, meet me there." I hang up as I pull in. "Stiles, wake up, come on." I shake him slightly and he lifts his head. I park the car and open his door, helping him out.

I leaned on Scott's shoulder as we waited for Noah to update us. My father stood in front of me with a sling on and my mother stood next to Scott. Lydia sat in the chair next to me, worried.

Scott shook his shoulder and I looked, seeing Sheriff Stilinski walking towards us. I stood along with the other two.

"He's going to be fine. He was slightly hypothermic, but they raised his temp. He doesn't remember much, it was just a dream to him." I run my eyes as Sheriff Stilinski makes eye contact. "Thank you, I don't know what I would've done if you didn't find him." He steps forward, hugging me.

"It's no problem. I don't know what we would've done without him anyways." I smile.

"Okay, go home. You have school in six hours." My mom says. "Get some sleep." She hugs me and Scott then Scott, Lydia, and I make our way out.

Lydia looked broken. "I was so sure he was there." She says disappointed.

"I wasn't much help either." Scott comforts. "But he's okay, it doesn't matter. How did you find him Myla anyways?"

I sigh. "Stiles said the smell was brutal and his eyes watered. At the coyote den they sprayed repellant and I smelled it, which my own eyes water. I assumed that what he felt were the only indicators of his location, mostly because he was dreaming." I explain as Lydia looks around as if she heard so thing but we carry on.

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