Field Trip (Pt. 17) - The End of the Line

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Y'all are lucky I'm too nice to leave you on a cliffhanger, but I seriously considered it...

Also, this chapter is even longer than the last one.

Enjoy ma bois :)

     I look up with wide eyes. My classmates are screaming and are all huddled together, each one pushing into each other in a chaotic mass. The Avengers, however, seem almost calm, staring at the Ultron body that's hovering ominously, yet staying silent. Mr. Stark mumbles something about setting a reminder to shut off the AC.

     "Sorry," I whisper to MJ, shaking the shards of glass off me and helping her to her feet. She looks into my eyes, hers wild with fear, and murmurs a thank you, before scrambling back to my classmates.

     "F.R.I.D.A.Y., give me something," Tony says, not removing his gaze from the robot.

     "One moment." She replies. "It appears the robot has been charged to 150% by Locke activating the buttons on console 2A, sir."

      "Dumbass," Mr. Stark mutters. "Alright, F.R.I.D.A.Y., now give me something I can use."

      "Scanning," F.R.I.D.A.Y. says. "I can see no trace of Ultron left in its system."

      "Cool, but why does it look like it kinda wants to kill us?" Ms. Romanoff interjects.

      F.R.I.D.A.Y. replies, "Ultron built these bodies. His artificial intelligence is gone, but there seems to be an initial programming that was activated by recharging the robot. Scanning... It is programmed to annihilate the Avengers."

     Bruce's forehead wrinkles in thought. "This has to be Ultron's backup plan. In case he lost, these robots would still be set on his final plan." He looks at Tony, his eyes wide with understanding. "Ultron knew that you wouldn't be able to help yourself and would recover the bodies. He knows you better than you know yourself."

      "What have you done, Stark," Mr. Rogers says, glaring at him.

     Mr. Stark returns the intensity of his gaze. "If the robot's supposed to kill us, then why isn't it striking?"

      Finally, the robot speaks, in a scratchy and metallic voice. "Because... I was waiting... for backup." All of a sudden, several other bots crash through the already shattered window.

" All of a sudden, several other bots crash through the already shattered window

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Kind of imagine it like this, except they break through the window

      The first few lunge at Thor, Bucky, and Tony, but more androids flood through the window like churning waters. A fourth uses its blasters and demolishes console 2A, causing Mr. Locke to scream in terror and run to join my class.

Field Trip to Stark Industries- Peter Parker/ Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now