Get to Know the Author a Smidge I Guess?

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     Okay, so I've seen this thing circulating Wattpad where authors do face reveals and get to know the author stuff, so I thought I'd hop on board.

     Alright, first off, this is me (also I know it's a bad photo, I did a competitive training workout with my sisters and my arms were shaking with exhaustion):

     Alright, first off, this is me (also I know it's a bad photo, I did a competitive training workout with my sisters and my arms were shaking with exhaustion):

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A fun fact about me: I am turning 16 on August 23, 2021, starting sophmore in the fall!

Oh, something else about me is that I am 5'11" (or for my Europeans, 180 centimeters), and I have big ass feet. I'm literally a 12 and a half women's. (10.5 in the UK, 43 in the rest of Europe)

Alright then...

Okay, so a fun fact about me is that I play basketball and lacrosse. I quit because I was no longer enjoying lacrosse anymore, and basketball sparked my anxiety and I had a few panic attacks before I decided enough was enough.

Now, I do kickboxing and karate. I'm really happy where I am and doing what I do. Something that was super pressuring about basketball was that you were playing in a stadium in front of hundreds of people, but in karate, everyone there is doing the same thing as you. I'm in a much better place mentally than I was, so yay!

Another fun fact: I have an identical twin sister.

Now, onto some photos!

Here's baby me being a frickin gangster:

Here's baby me being a frickin gangster:

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Quite the badass 18-month-year-old, if I do say so myself.

I like to paint:

I like to paint:

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