Field Trip (Pt. 3) - Scarlet Witch and Vision

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     Mike takes us up the elevator, about 40 stories or so. When we finally get off, I can't help but stifle a laugh at how queasy everyone looks. The elevator does move a bit fast, but Mike and I are used to it by now. My classmates are practically a shade of green, looking like they just stepped off a roller coaster. 

     When we arrive at the room, Mike opens the door, and then makes us all line up in a single file line. I'm last, except for Mr. Locke being behind me. I can feel his fish breath warming my back, and I suppress the urge to give him a lesson on the properties of the PERSONAL SPACE BUBBLE. Like, geez, Bud, eighteen inches in every direction at the minimum! "Now remember," Mike says, "Swipe your card on the scanner before you enter any of the rooms. If you don't, the building's security system will sound the alarm and go into "Exterminate Mode," and let's just say, none of your odds are looking to keen to survive a 40 foot drop! So, cards at the ready!" Mike drags his feet in first, then holds the door for everyone else. 

     Flash being... Well, really, just Flash, cuts everyone to the front of the line, just for the sole purpose of being first. He scans his card and waltzes in holding his ugly head high. Ned follows second, MJ third, Charlie fourth, until everyone has gone through except for me. Nobody really pays attention to me, but Mr. Locke is breathing down my back like a hawk, and I know I'm in for some trouble. 

     I try to dart in quickly, but as soon as I cross into the room, F.R.I.D.A.Y. goes off on the loudspeakers. "Welcome back, Peter. Shall I inform Mr. Stark that you are here?"

     "No!" I blurt out. "Uhm- sorry, no. I don't think that's a very good idea. Sorry for yelling."   

     "Did Parker just apologize to a computer?" One of Flash's minions, Vincent Crabbe, shouts out laughing. "How adorable!" Crabbe coos, like one would when talking to a baby.

     My face turns red and I try to ignore it, and continue to my seat next to Ned.

     I walk across the room, which is basically all glass, because let's be real here, it's Tony Stark, and the view is magnificent. We're only on the 40th floor, in one of the extra conference rooms, but let me just say, I freaking feel like Sauron's Eye overlooking the entire Middle Earth. This is way too empowering, but at least now I understand why Mr. Stark is always thought of as so condescending. I feel like God!

     When we enter the room, only Wanda is sitting there, which is a little confusing because on the ginormous whiteboard, in Vision's surreal, neat handwriting, it says, "Questions and Answers with Scarlet Witch and the Vision!"

     We all sit down in chairs that are worth more than me. The table has been removed from the room so it's just the expensive, designer, leather chairs all lined up in rows. Ned sits to my right, MJ to my left, and Flash behind me. I wanted to sit further back where I was less noticeable, but Ned chose our seats first, and Ned being Ned, he rushed to get the seats front row, dead center. So now I am 5 feet away from Ms. Maximoff, and currently, Flash is kicking my seat. I'm on the 10 o'clock to Fun City!

     Once everyone is situated, Vision enters. Wanda first does a little of her finger magic, and makes a red fog, getting a bunch of "Ooh! Ahhh!"s, and Vision flies in. Through the wall, of course.

     "Just a little dramatic entrance, if you will," Vision says, and floats down next to Wanda. We all sit there in silence until Wanda sheepishly stammers, "Yeah- um, I don't really know what I'm doing right now, or what to expect, so why don't you all just raise your hands and ask questions, and we'll do our best to answer them. Let's just try to keep them appropriate!"

     It's quiet for a bit, because everyone is still a little shocked at meeting two Avengers, but eventually she calls on Charlie. He asks, "Are you an Avenger?"

     She chuckles. "I'd like to say yes, but I'm not entirely sure. For a long time we were Avengers in Training, but then the whole Sokovia Accords thing happened, so I'm not really sure as of now."

     Then some other kid asks a pretty awkward question, that makes me cringe in my seat. "Were you the reason the Sokovia Accords happened?"

     Wanda looks down and doesn't answer, so Vision steps in. "Wanda was not the sole driving force of the Accords. There were, indeed, many other matters playing into the final decision, and many others are to blame. The Sokovia Accords are discarded now, though, so let us steer clear of those questions, shall we?" He places a reassuring hand on Ms. Maximoff's back, and turns back to the throng of teenagers.

     "I got one," Flash shouts out, "Do you know who this is?" And he quite promptly points to me. 

     Vision stares at me and says, "Why yes. Peter Benjamin Parker. 16 years old. Attends Midtown High School in Queens, New York. Orphaned. Legal guardian: May Parker. Relation: Aunt."

     "...Oh..." Flash mutters, a little dumbfounded, not quite knowing how to respond.

     Vision mechanically turns his head to look at Flash and says, "I know who you are, too. Eugene "Flash" Thompson. 16 years old. Attends Midtown High School in Queens, New York. Legal guardians: Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Thompson."

     Flash smugly gloats. "Guess what, Parker, he's just a robot. He knows me just as he knows you. You ain't special! You ain't nothing!"

     Wanda snaps her head up, her eyes glowing red. "What?" she asks, her voice dangerously low. Dammit. "Don't you ever say that again! Peter is something! Everyone is something! And just by you saying that makes you nothing! Do you understand?"

     "Y-yes, Ma'am-m!" Flash cowers down, beads of sweat gathering on his forehead.

     Well, that escalated quickly. Mike chuckles nervously. "I think that'll be all for now, how about you all follow me to your next activity?" He stands up and everyone shuffles out slowly. Before I leave my chair, though, I feel a firm, but gentle, hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Vision looking at me sympathetically. I smile, a small, reassuring, grateful smile, and he releases me to follow everyone else out of the classroom.

     The moment doesn't last long. As soon as I step out of the classroom, Flash bumps into me, roughly. "I don't like that little stunt you pulled back there. Watch it, Parker." He says lowly, and then continues to the front of the group, leaving me to know that this hell of a day would only get worse.

Part three! Thank you all for being so patient!!!

Word count: 1169

Field Trip to Stark Industries- Peter Parker/ Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now