Field Trip (Pt. 10)

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Hey guys, I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads! A few chapters ago I was talking about how grateful I was to have 277 or something, and now it's close to 2K?!?!? You guys are the best! It's so cool how I have readers from all over the world now, From Norway to Macedonia to the Philippines to Brazil- This is insane you guys. Thank you for the love! <3 

Beep. Beep. Beep. 

     It's the first thing I notice. The constant beeping. Then it's the bright light shining through my closed eyelids, then the thick cloth wrapped around my shirtless torso.

     I squint and try to open my eyes, scrunching my face as the I adjust to the blinding light. My throat feels as dry as the Sahara Desert and I let out a yawn that had been trapped inside me.

     "Oh, would you look at that. The brave Spider-Man is awake." Says a sarcastic voice that can only belong to Sam as he claps slowly. I sit up in the bed, and glance around, confused.

     "W-Where am I?" I mumble, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

     "The med bay." Bucky replies from a corner. As my eyes begin to focus, I see the other occupants of the room: Sam, Mr. Stark, Ms. Romanoff, Mr. Rogers, Bucky, Wanda, and Mr. Banner.

     "How did I get here?" I ask hesitantly, afraid of the answer.

     "We got a call last night from Capsicle," Mr. Stark says, standing up, "That said that you were dying and we needed to come save you." He takes a step towards my bed. "Do you know how scared we were?"

     "Come on Tony, it wasn't really his fault..." Mr. Banner starts, but Mr. Stark cuts him off.

     "How many times have we told you to be more careful?" He asks, getting closer, his voice slowly raising. "How many times have I said to watch your back? To have your safety as your top priority?!"

     "I'm sorry Mr. Stark I-"

     "Sorry doesn't cut it!" He bellows, before lowering his voice to a whisper, tears in his eyes. "Don't you get it? I almost lost you." 

     "W-What do you mean?" I ask, looking around in confusion and fear.

     Natasha sighs. "Pete, when we first got you back to the med bay... you died." 

     My face goes white as a ghost, I barely believe it. "Wha...What?"

     This time Cap speaks up. "You died, Peter." He says, looking down at his feet. "You lost too much blood, your heart stopped beating- you were gone for 7 minutes."

     "Seven-seven minutes?" I gasp. "That's... that's... awesome!" Everyone looks at me like I'm insane, so I keep talking. "That's sick! Imagine the look on Ned's face when I tell him I died! From now on, you guys can't tell me Y.O.L.O. You can only tell me Y.O.L.T! You only live twice! Woah, this is insane! Am I zombie? I don't feel dead-"

     "Peter!" Mr. Stark shouts. "Look, I'm glad this didn't give you P.T.S.D. or anything, but seriously, you have to be more careful! What if you died and we couldn't bring you back?"

     "...Well when you put it like that..."


     "Peter," Mr. Rogers says, "From now on, just please be more careful. None of us could live with ourselves if we lost you."

     "Noted. So, uh, can I go back to my field trip now?"

     "Yes, but you have to keep that bandage on." Mr. Banner replies.

Field Trip to Stark Industries- Peter Parker/ Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now