Field Trip (Pt. 9)

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      After a rather awkward drive with a driver who I can almost guarantee was stoned, we arrive back at the tower a little past 1:00 A.M. MJ actually started a conversation with me on the ride back, which was shocking, but she made sure that I knew that if the kidnappers hadn't broken her phone, she would be reading an Ebook instead. 

     We manage to sneak into the tower pretty quietly. I told F.R.I.D.A.Y. to be quiet and not notify anybody, so we made it to our room without any incident. What was even better, was that our classmates were asleep when we got back, so MJ and I snuck past them and into the bathroom without waking any of them up. In the bathroom, MJ got out the first aid kit, and began cleaning my wounds.

     "...So..." She whispered after a moment of silence. "This kind of stuff happen often?"

     "My best friend getting kidnapped? No, not too often."

     She laughs under her breath. "You know what I meant." She gestures to the bullet wounds.

     I shrug. "Oh, getting shot? Nah, occasionally. Usually I just get stabbed."

     "I can't tell if you're joking or not."

     After she cleans the wounds she sits back and furrows her eyebrows. "The main struggle now is going to be getting the bullets out of you." She mumbles, deep in thought.

     "Oh that's fine, you don't have to worry about that. I have a super increased metabolism, so my body just dissolves the metal without harm." (I know that's not actually true, but I don't really know how to extract a bullet, much less write about it, so for the sake of the story just pretend, please.)

     "Oh great!" She says. "So now I just have to patch you up." She pulls out a needle and thread from the box. "Lie down, and try to be quiet. This is going to hurt."


     You know what I've realized? Something about letting someone stick a needle in you and literally sew you back together really creates a bond between you two.

     Getting stitches hurt like hell, but MJ did her best to try to distract me. She told me corny jokes and talked to me about her family, and I told her about mine. I didn't have much to talk about since basically everyone in my school knows about my blast of a past, but MJ is pretty closed off. Even though we're good friends, I learned there was a lot I didn't know about her. For example, she has a younger brother. His name is Jacob and he's four. I also learned she hates spaghetti sauce, she wants to be a publisher when she grows up, and she doesn't believe in people who don't believe in seat belts.

     After an excruciating 15 minutes, it's over. "Ok," She exclaims standing up, "You're good."

     "Thanks MJ. Um, are you going to bed now?"

     "Yeah, I was planning to. Why?" She asks, putting the first aid kit away and washing her hands.

     "Oh, I was just going to go for a walk around the complex. You know, work the adrenaline out of my system. I was wondering if you wanted to come with...?"

     She chuckles. "As fun as that sounds, I really should be getting to sleep. I think I've had enough excitement for one night, but you can go if you want to."

     "O-Oh, okay. I think I'll try to sleep too."

     She flicks me in the forehead as she exits the bathroom. "Later, loser." She smiles. I smile back, and try to ignore how fast my heart is beating. She heads to her side of the room and I head to mine.

Field Trip to Stark Industries- Peter Parker/ Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now