Field Trip (Pt. 12) - Thor and Loki Odinson

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     Hey, guys...

     So, sorry about that whole "I'll have the next chapter up tomorrow thing," I got literally buried in homework and online classes. I'm trying to balance out my schedule and write more on the weekends, but my family is also spending a lot of time together and I'm doing a lot of yard work. I'm really sorry, but while I have online school, updates might be a little slower. Also, this chapter might suck, it's currently 12:41 A.M. where I am right now, but I really wanted to get this chapter out for you guys. Now, onto the story!

     "Why, hello there!" Thor booms. "What a pleasure to meet all of you small Midgardians! I am Thor, as you should know! And this is Loki! Don't worry, he's good now!" He grabs his brother by his shoulders, gives him a rough but loving shake, and pulls him into his side as a hug. Loki sharply inhales a breath and looks away awkwardly, but Thor doesn't notice. Instead, he turns to face Hazel, who, having seen him before several times, is not as impressed as my awestruck classmates. "Lady Hazel," He smiles, "We arrived per your request, but may I ask what we are doing here?"

     Hazel rolls her eyes. "Thor, the field trip..."

     "...That was today?"

     Loki points a long finger at his brother, his hair bouncing as he sharply turns. "I told you!"

     Thor grins sheepishly at Hazel. "...Oops."

      Hazel sighs. "Do you even have a plan?"

     "I'll wing it!" Thor chuckles merrily. "I wing it all the time in battle, this can't be too hard!" 

     Hazel looks down at the ground, casting a knowing glance at Loki, who returns it, and sighs again. "I... I can't watch this train wreck." She turns away and grasps the door handle. "...Just... Just- I'll just come back when this is over. Good luck." She exits the room, but after she closes the door, I allow my super hearing to follow her, and I hear her notify F.R.I.D.A.Y. to have medics on standby, which is frankly terrifying. I gulp and focus back on Thor and Loki, who are both rocking awkwardly back and forth on their feet with tight smiles. You know that smile you make when you see someone you know but don't know well enough to stop and talk to, so you kinda just...  :1   ...? Well, that's what's happening right now.

     After a minute, the awkwardness is killing me. "What do we do?" Thor whisper yells out the side of his mouth to Loki.

     "I don't know, you got us into this mess! You talk first!" Loki hisses back.





     "Fine. But only because I love you." Thor finally gives in, and then faces the class, lightly hitting his hand with his hammer. "...How would you all like to hear about Asgard?"

     The whole class gasps and leans in. However, Thor has not always been the best at describing things, which is something I have learned due to experience. 

     "Now, what's Asgard like, well, let me tell you, it's big. Very big, quite massive indeed. And it's... shiny. There's lots of cylinders. So... uh, any questions? Yes, you in the red shirt."

     "What are the people like there?" The kid asks.

     "Uh, the civilians are very nice, and, um, they live for a long time. Very... peoply, I'd say." He pauses for a second and turns to Loki. "How much longer is this?"

     Loki smirks. "A while, brother. Why? You need help?" Thor nods vigorously, and Loki's smirk grows. "I suppose I could lend a hand," he says, stepping in front of Thor. "Now, Asgard is a very mystical place. There are many holy creatures and beings on the planet. It's part of the nine realms, which includes Midgard too."

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