The Hell Starts

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*Emily on*

It is now lunch break, I usually would have lunch at the school cantine but today I am just gonna go somewhere with my best friend Ariana, it's her birthday so why not?

We went to her favorite place on earth, McDonald's and as soon as we enter the the shopping I see him, I see Matthew. I haven't see him all day and I think I know why now.

*40 minutes later*

We finished eating and as we still have time we are gonna go to some stores to buy new clothes and some other things.

*some time later*

We are now leaving and when we are getting close to the door I hear Ariana shouting



And that's when I bump into someone falling to the ground.


I look up to see Matthew with a huge anger in his eyes.

Emily:I'm so so so sor-

He punched me in the face

Matthew:SHUT UP!

He leaves with I'm guessing his friends? I'm still sitting on the ground when Ariana comes running to me with worrieness in her eyes.

Ariana:OH MY GOD! Emi! Are you okay?!

Emily:Yes I'm fine, don't worry Ari *I give her a sweet comforting look*

Ariana:Are you sure? are bleeding...

Emily:Huh? I'm wha- *gasps*

I put my fingers on my face and when I look at them they are all bloody. I start to worry myself.

Emily:Is it bad?! *I ask worried*

Ariana:No! Well at least...not as bad as you are thinking...

Emily:Oh...okay. Well let's go so I can have time to clean myself.


Ariana helps me up and we leave to her house since it's closer then mine. When we get to her house she helps me cleaning myself and let's me borrow one of her clothes and then we leave back to school.

*Some hours later*

I'm on break now and I'm going to meet with Ariana and her boyfriend, Sam. And on my way I find Matthew he gives me an evil look, I get scared and try to run away from him. He starts chasing me and as he is way faster then me he catches me.

Matthew:Where do you think you are going stupid nerd?

Emily:P-please don't hurt me

Matthew:Aww you think I'm gonna hurt you hahaha

He says getting me confused

Matthew:Oh you are hella right!

He pushes me to the ground and starts punching me. Later on his friends show up and join him they start hitting me even harder and harder. One of them started kicking my back and then they leave laughing. I just stay there, laying on the ground, crying my soul out in pain. And that's when I knew...the hell has started.

To be continued

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