The Tutor

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*Emily on*

Mrs. Adams:Any problem with it Ms. Williams?

Emily:N-no Mrs. Adams.

I said in a shyly way.

Mrs. Adams:Any problems with it Mr. Martinez?


He said almost under his breath while rolling his eyes.

Mrs. Adams:Good. So as you have to do this project than I'll give you a day off today, meaning you won't have science class today. So everyone please, calmly, and silently, pack your things and go out with your partners plan your projects. Good luck for everyone!

So we all did as Mrs. Adams said. I was about to get out of the classroom when Mrs. Adams stopped me.

Mrs. Adams:Emily, dear, please wait a little bit I would like to talk with you.

She said in a low voice, kind of whispering so that I was the only one who could hear it. Matthew was about to get out of the classroom when Mrs. Adams stopped him as well.

Mrs. Adams:Mr. Martinez, please stay a little bit.

Matthew rolled his eyes and groaned but didn't said or did anything. When everyone got out of the classroom Mrs. Adams sat on her desk and started talking with us.

Mrs. Adams:So in first place I wanted to say, and with no offense to Mr. Martinez obviously, but I'm sorry Emily, that I had to put you with Mr. Martinez to do this project-

First name instead of last name? Cool she's one of those "teacher's pet"

Matthew thought while rolling his eyes.

Mrs. Adams:-but is just that I noticed that Mr. Martinez has a little bit of difficulties in science and as you're one of the best students I have I thought it could be good if you did the project with him and helped him.

Emily:No problem Mrs. Adams, I would love to help him.

I said calmly but freaking out in the inside.

Mrs. Adams:Amazing! And actually there's more, but now it's only if it does not bother you at all sweetheart.

SWEETHEART?! Oh my God! What's next?

Matthew thought again, this time getting a little bit frustrated.

Emily:Nothing you could ask me could bother me at all Mrs. Adams.

Mrs. Adams:Yeah I know dear, but is just that in this case it will really only be necessary if it does not bother you, because what I wanted was... For you to be Mr. Maetinez's tutor.


Mrs. Adams:Do not raise your voice at me Mr. Martinez! Next time you'll go to detention!

Matthew rolled his eyes.

Mrs. Adams:AND you WILL have a tutor even if it's not Emily! Got it?!

Matthew:Yes ma'am.

Mrs. Adams:Good. Now, Emily sweetie, what do you say? Does that bother you? Or do you not mind of being Mr. Martinez's tutor?

Emily:No! I don't mind at all!

I give Mrs. Adams a sweet smile and she returns it to me. Even thought I'm literally terrified for what could happen to me. Oh how I wish I could say no to a teacher sometimes!

Mrs. Adams:Amazing! Well you guys can go now have a nice day!

Matthew rushes out of the classroom.

Emily:Goodbye Mrs. Adams! Have a nice day too.

She gives me a sweet smile and I calmly get out of the classroom, closing the door behind me.

I stop at the door looking for Ariana when I feel a hand holding my arm at first I thought it was Ariana but I than realized it was a man's hand. Right now I'm just wishing it at least for some random reason is Sam but when the person turns me around so I can face them I see him, I see Matthew.

Matthew:Ok, listen nerd-

He gets interrupted by someone and I feel that someone holding my other arm with both of their hands. And by the soft hands and sweet but little frustrated, scared voice I realize it's Ariana. Thank God!

Ariana:Excuse me but I'm scared I'll have to steal Emily and not let her come back in the next twenty-four hours aka forever. Oh and by the way do not put your dirty hands on my best friend, thank you.

Matthew:Chill shortie, I just want to talk to her I won't do anything. But in fact I would like to talk with her alone.

Ariana hesitates but decides to leave me alone with him. She whispers something to me before leaving.

Ariana:If anything, just try to run as fast as you can and call me, okay?

I nod slightly, she gives me a quick hug and than leaves.

Matthew:Ok so where the fuck do you wanna do this goddamn project?

Emily:A-at yo-your house?

I say with fear, scared to death because I am now alone with we can say my bully.

Matthew:Humm, ok fine! It could be at yours but whatever. But I'm just gonna warn you, you will be very lucky if today is the day my mother starts her break from work because otherwise I will not promise you won't get out without a black eye. Even thought I'm pretty sure she only starts it next week.

I step back from him and close my eyes with fear. He just sights.

Matthew:I already told you, I'm not doing anything to you. Today, when school ends you'll be coming with me so we can do that goddamn work, got it?


Matthew:Good. See ya later nerd.

He bumps into me purposely and goes away. I stay there for some more minutes and try to breath and than I see Ariana running to me.

Ariana:Hey are you okay?

Emily:Yes, yes I'm okay.

Ariana:Did he do anything to you?

She asks while checking me out kind of looking for signs that he hurt me I guess.

Emily:No, he did not. In fact he only wanted to talk about the project.

She gives me a surprised look and raises one of her eyebrows.

Emily:Yeah, I know. It's kind of weird.

Ariana:Okay so where are you guys doing the project, and please don't tell me you agreed on doing it at his house!

She says the last part faster.


Ariana:OH COME ON!

Emily:I'M SORRY! I was scared, I didn't even think of what I was saying! But! He said that nothing would happen to me if his mother was home for her work break, yes he did also said that he's pretty sure his mother only starts her work break next week, but still!

Ariana sights.

Ariana:Okay just, just please be careful and call me if anything happens okay?

I nod with a smile on my face.

Emily:Don't worry, I will.

Ariana:Okay. Now let's go have some fun before our next class.

She grabs my hand and we start running outside the school.

To be continued

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