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                 •Jim's point of view•

I stare at Sparrow until she disappears down the stairs. I'm surprised she doesn't look lost in this large school but then again she still seems uncomfortable.
She seems interesting and I'm generally intrigued.
I shrug as I walk down the hall and up the stairs to my next class. Kids make their way through the crowded halls.
I step inside the classroom and smile as I see two of my friends.

"Jim," Chris calls as he's eyes land on me.

I smile and make my way over to him and Shawn.

"Hey guys," I grin as I lean against the wall with them.

"We saved you a seat in the back next to us," Chris says as he points over to their bags and the books they placed on the third desk.
I nod and walk over to it, placing my bag down on the chair and then walking back over to them.

"These kids are kinda gross," Shawn mutters as he watches a kid sneeze and then wipe his nose on his sleeve.
Shawn crunches his nose as he looks away and back over at me and Chris.

"How did you're first class go?" I ask both of them as we wait for passing period to be over.

"I had math," Chris groans, "math in the morning is a stupid idea. How do they expect us to focus when we've just woken up. Our freakin organs aren't even working yet."

Me and Shawn chuckle and I shrug.

"I had English. It was nice," Shawn smiles. He's always liked English because of the creative freedom that comes with writing.

"Sweet," I nod as I look over at the clock.
Three minutes left of passing period.

"What did you have?" Shawn questions.

"History. There was this girl in there and I kinda got her in trouble," I chuckle nervously as I rub the back of my neck.

"Was she cute?" Chris asks.

I feel my cheeks go red.

"I-, she was cool looking. I don't know," I mutter as I look down at my feet.

Shawn and Chris smirks.

"What was she wearing?" Chris interrogates as he looks over at me.

"Black. Lots of black. Combat boots and chains. What kind of questions are these?" I tell him as I feel myself grown embarrassed.

"Damn. I'm going to have to see this "cool looking" chick," Chris smirks as he uses his fingers to make air quotes.

The teacher walks into the classroom and we groan as we walk to the back of the class and take our seats.

"Do you know what the purpose of economics is?" The teacher asks as he scribbles the word 'economics' down on the board.

I huff. I don't plan on paying that much attention to this class.

I lean back in my chair and chat quietly with Chris and Shawn as the clock tics by.

The bell finally rings and I jump up and put my stuff back into my bag.

"Remember to read through chapter 5.5 in your text book!" The teacher yells over the sound of kids packing up in a hurry.

I look down at my schedule and notice there's only one more class until lunch.
Thank gosh. I'm so hungry. I skipped breakfast.

I walk down the stairs. My mind distracted by a song that I have playing. I don't blame Sparrow for having music on during class, music is definitely helpful when it comes to nerves.

I walk into the large gym and sigh. Fitness before lunch is better than Fitness after lunch I guess, but that still means I'm going to be sweaty when I go to lunch which won't be very enjoyable.

I walk over to the Freshman section of the gym and set my bag down amongst all the other bags.

"Alright class. Get in line to grab a lock for you're lockers," the gym teacher says as she points over to a table in the center of the gym.

I sigh as I walk over to the line that's forming and get in it.

"Hey Jim," A smaller kid smiles.

"Hi. You're William from math last year right?" I question as I notice that he looks familiar.

"Yup, that's me," he smiles as he pushes his glasses up higher on his nose.

I grin down at him. At least I know someone.

William begins to talk about his summer and I listen to him as we move through the line. He rambles on and on and I just nod here and there.

When we finally get to the front, one of the gym teachers ask for my name.

"Jim Root," I tell him.

His eyes scan through the sheet in front of him.

"We don't have a Jim Root," the teacher says.

I groan.

"James Root," I tell him as I mentally roll my eyes.

"Ah, here you are," he says as he grabs a sharpie and writes my name down next to a locker number.

"Here is you're lock. Do you remember how to make the code for it?" He questions.

"Yeah," I nod as I hold the lock in my hands.

He nods, "make sure to write your combo down somewhere, just in case."

I nod and walk away from the table and towards the male locker rooms.
I remember how last year I forgot to write down my locker combo and no one could get it open so I couldn't use my locker for the rest of the year.

I walk over to my locker number and set my code. I then practice locking and unlocking it.
I grab out my phone and type my code into a note page.

"Quiet everyone!" A male coach says as he walks into the room.

"I'm Mr. Jen, I may or may not be you're gym teacher. It depends on what grade you're in. I teach seniors only. I will be your locker room advisor though so I better not catch anyone doing anything stupid in here," the gym teacher says as he glares at us.

I gulp, this dude is definitely not someone I want to piss off.

"In your locker you will find a fresh pair of gym clothes that were already paid for by your parents. Put them on and then join you're class. You have ten minutes," Mr. Jen tells us.

I open my locker and pull out the ugly uniform. Navy blue shorts and a brownish yellow tank top. It has the school's name and logo on it in thin black letters.

I take my pants and shirt off and quickly slip the uniform on.

I tie up my Vans and head back out into the gym.
I walk over to my class quickly as I see everyone sitting in a circle in front of the teacher.

My eyes look over at the clock and I sigh as I notice it's too far for me to read.
I just hope lunch is soon.

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