Chapter 19: Hiccup

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I spent the rest of the night shivering from the rain and feeling the pain from where Dagur had hit and kicked me. I didn't get much sleep either.

The rain stopped just about when the sun came up. I was still shivering when Alvin came out to get me. He didn't look happy. He was holding his whip. "Have a good night's sleep?" he asked.

I didn't answer. I was too tired of all this. I didn't even throw in a sarcastic comment.

I could see Alvin smirking. "Well, come on. We've got some work to do."


Alvin dragged me the forge. "I need you to help me make some new weapons."

"What kind of weapons?" I asked, my voice cracking a little from the lack of use.

"Oh, nothing too fancy. I mean, I doubt you can make anything as fancy as that sword of yours."

"You could at least give me my leg back," I said. "I'd probably work better."

Alvin thought about it. "Fine, but be warned. You'll be watched at all times, and I'm keeping you chained to the wall."

"Are you really that scared of me?" I asked, starting to get my sarcastic nature back slowly.

"I'm giving you the chance to stand on two feet again," Alvin said. "Don't make me regret it."

I was going to say something, but decided it'd be smarter you to keep my mouth shut.

Alvin sneered. "That's what I thought." He dropped me at the work table. I pushed myself into a standing position on the table. Alvin threw chunks of junk metal in front of me.

"What kind of weapon do you want?" I asked.

Alvin shrugged. "Anything really. As long as its sharp."

I glanced down at the metal scraps. What weapon would help Alvin the least? How about a knife? No. If he didn't like it, he'd probably just slit my throat in the end. I needed something that would be good enough to not get killed and not good enough to actually lose. Maybe I'd make an ax, but get the weight distabution all wrong. Or make a paper thin sword that would shatter if a hard enough blow was struck. Anything that would slow down weapon production.

Alvin had left me thinking for a while and came back with my prostetic foot and threw it down on the table. "Hey! That took me a year to get just right!" I complained.

"Get used to disapointment," Alvin said.

I glared at him and started to attatch my foot once again. I lightly put it down when it was fully on, then more weight on it. I let out a small sigh sigh or relief. You never notice nice it is to have a limb, even if its a fake one, until you loose.

Something cold and heavy was clamped around my neck. I immediatly tried to pull it off. Alvin laughed. "Well I can't have you escaping on me."

I looked down, well as much as I could. There was a metal ring around my neck. I followed the chain that is was attached to with my eyes, finding there was a coil of chain and the other end attached firmly to the wall. "Good luck trying to get out of this one, boy," Alvin said. "How's the idea coming?"

"Might need a little bit more time," I said.

"Alright," Alvin said. "But you're using your work time with this, I hope you know."

"Work time?"

"Oh. I didn't tell you?" Alvin asked innocently.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"I need this done in two days."

"And I'll be spending all my time cooped up here?" I asked.

"Most of it," Alvin said.

"Oh, most of it," I muttered. "I'll be out of here whenever he needed a punching bag."

"I'll be back in an hour and you had better gotten started," Alvin said, either ignoring my last comment or missed it. Then he left me there. I spotted a couple guards here and there.

I sat down on a stool and stared at the junk metal for a little bit. Then spotted some paper and a pencil. I started to sketch out some ideas for a weapon to make for Alvin. I sketched out one of my old drawings. One of my old contraptions. An idea came to mind. It was perfect.

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