Chapter 22: Astrid

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After I saw Hiccup, I decided to try and find out where he was being kept. Where could Alvin keep a close eye on him?

Wait, duh! Where was Alvin going to be most of his time? At home! But which house was Alvin's? I guessed it was the largest one. That's how Hiccup's is. The chief always get the largest house in the village. It's also the closest to the Great Hall.

I walked over to the biggest house. I was pretty sure it was Alvin's. just to be sure, I went to a window and peaked inside. Alvin was sitting, arguing with some of his men. Yup. This was his house. I made my way to the back of the house. There was a post with chains securely in place on it. It was empty. That only meant one thing. This is where Alvin kept my boyfriend.


I walked around outcast island for most of the day, sneaking down to cheek on Stormfly, making sure Hiccup hadn't returned, keeping in the shadows, even some clothes washing or a soon to be very confused outcast woman.

It wasn't until evening when I hid behind the post Hiccup was going to be chained to. When evening fell, I waited silently for Alvin to bring Hiccup back. I just wanted to talk to him, to let him know he's not alone and that we didn't abanon him.

It was about eight or nine o'clock when Alvin finally dragged Hiccup to the post. I couldn't see anything, but I heard chains being clampped on and footsteps that slowly died away. When I was sure that Alvin was gone, I slowly crept around the post. "Hiccup?" I whispered.

He didn't answer. I started to worry. He would've heard that, wouldn't he?

I made it all the way around the post to find Hiccup slummped with his mouth open slightly. My eyebrows furrowed with concern. What did Alvin do to him? If he hurt him...

I let that threat hang there as I enlaced my hands in Hiccup's. I gave it a squeeze, but he didn't respond. Then I remembered a rumor. The rumor was that the outcasts would get the chief's they'd capture and see how much alcohol they could hold. Hiccup couldn't stand the stuff. Poor guy.

I leaned my head on his shoulder with a sigh, remembering when we used to hand out together on Berk, walking hand in hand or flying side by side. I even helped him through some of his tougher chief duties. Its not like they where too hard for him, its just he didn't have time. Also, we lost most of the times we'd hang out together with the new work. I guess it was all part of growing up.

I talked softly to Hiccup, even though he couldn't hear me. I had to make sure I didn't fall asleep here. If I did, they'd find me and this rescue mission would be a flop. I made sure not to fall asleep, but I did stay there for a good hour or so, whispering under my breath to Hiccup.

When the first sign or dawn was coming, I finally stood up. I could hardly keep my eyes open, but I somehow made it down to Stormfly. She was happy to see me. She tucked her wind around me like a blanket and we slept for a while.

Later in the day, I decided it would be a good idea to tell the tribe that I was alive and that I didn't need a serch party sent after me. I reached into Stormfly's saddlebag. I brought out a red Terrible Terror. He squirmed as I tied the note to his foot. It read I'm okay. Hiccup's alive. I'll try to break him out- Astrid.

As soon as I let go of the Terrible Terror, it was gone. I sat back down and sighed, scratching by Stormfly's spikes on her spine.

I won't really go into too much detail of what happened for the rest of the day. I subtlety checked on Hiccup in the forge every now and then. Every time I cheeked, the better he looked.

I knew that Stormfly wanted to get out of the stupid cave she'd been hiding in, but it was too risky to let her loose. If she was spotted, the outcasts would either kill her or capture her.

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