Chapter 1: Hiccup

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The wind whipped back my hair as I flew through the sky. Toothless pured as we went upsidedown, sideways, looping and twisting through the air. I hadn't gotten to do this for what felt like ages since I became the cheif of Berk. Toothless was the alpha now and he had his own work to do, so we barley had time to see each other. "You doing ok, bud?" I asked him through my mask.

Toothless pured and shot a plasma blast in front of us. We dodged the fire that came after it. "Careful!" I said. "You'll burn through my flight suit!"

I didn't exactly catch it, but I thought I saw Toothless roll his eyes at me.

"Hiccup!" Came a yell from my fiance.

"Well," I told Toothless. "Love of my life calling." I scratched behind his ears. "Better go see what she wants."

I landed Toothless next to Astrid. She was standing with her arms crossed. "You're late."

"For what?" I asked.

Astrid's eyebrow rose. "The town meeting that you put together."

I smacked my forehead. "Oh, right!" I said. "I just lost track of time and-" I pulled my helmet off and switched my foot to the normal setting. "Uh, could you..."

Astrid nodded. "Go!"

"Thanks," I said, planting a quick kiss on her cheek and rushing off to the meeting.


There where men and woman waiting for me in the Great Hall. Most had there arms crossed or where glaring at me. I gulped and stood at the frontof the room. "Uh, s-sorry for being late," I said. I cleared my throat. "Um, as you all know, Berk is vurnerable of attack at the moment. I think you all know that. We have to think of a way to protect Berk."

"Won't the dragons do that?" Came a shout from in the crowd.

"I don't think the dragons could defeat all of the enemy ships without Berk getting a beating," I said. "Dragons have a limited number of shots, and can get tired and pretty beat up. Besides, not all the dragons will be brave and fight back. I-I think we should stand down, protect ourselves by hiding down in the old underground tunnels that the Whispering Deaths made all those years ago..." my voice died because even before I got that all out, there was an outrage.

"We're vikings!" One yelled. "We won't show weakness!"

"This is outrages!"

"Who made you chief anyway?"

"We take our chances with 'em!"

"Show no mercy!"

I wanted to smack my head on a table. I was chief, but I could never get common sense into the brains of these villages! They all started to walk out of the Great Hall in outrage. I sat down at one of the tables and layed my head down on my arms. Someone put a hand on my shoulder. I glanced up to see Gobber. He looked at me, a little concerned. "You alright, lad?"

"I don't know, Gobber," I said. "I knew being chief would be hard, but not this hard. The village wants a new chief. I'd gladly give up this chiefhood to anyone who wants it!"

"Oh, you don't mean that," Gobber said.

"Yes, I do," I said, standing up. I felt the familiar nawing of pain in my chest and the feeling of tears about to come. "Gobber," I said quietly. "Why is my dad gone?" A single tear fell.

"Oh, lad," Gobber said, pulling me into an awkward hug. "We all know he went too soon."

"I'm not ready for this!" I cried. "I'm t-too young. Not e-enough time!"

"Let's get you home," Gobber said.

He led me out of the Great Hall to my house that was only downhill. I saw my mom feeding Toothless. She spotted us and walked over. "What's wrong?" She asked me.

"The usual," Gobber answered. "Best give him some time alone."

My mom took me from Gobber and led me the rest of the way to the house. She look me up to my room and led me to the bed. "Son," she said. "I know its hard, but we have to let go of him." She had tears shining in her own eyes. "The Berkinans have to see that, and when they do, they'll see what a great chief you are."

"But I don't want to be chief," I said. "Why do I have to? I never wanted to be."

"Fate is a funny thing, Hiccup," my mom said. "You'll figure out why soon enough." She kissed my forehead. "Get some rest now."

I nodded then I layed down, thinking about all the stuff I still had to do today. Then, I fell into a sort of dream. More like a memory of my dad.

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