Chapter 17: Hiccup

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Dagur dropped me. I blinked the rain out of my eyes. He kicked me. I let out a yelp of pain. "I told myself I'd need you, but I was wrong. You've never been more useless to me!" He kicked me again. "I'm on my way to becoming the most powerful chief in the archipelago, but you're getting in the way. Once I take care of you, I'll get your Night Fury and I'll rule the skies."

"But you can't ride him," I said. "I made the tail so only I can operate it."

"Sure," Alvin said.

"No, really," I said. "He can't fly without me."

"I'll just have to change that, won't I?"

"Why can't you just leave Berk out of this and just kill me?" I asked. "I know everyone wants to."

"Your on your way to greatness, Hiccup," Dagur said. "If you got training from me, I'm sure you'd pass even your father."

"Leave my dad out of this!" I said. I was suddenly happy for the rain. I'd I started to cry, it would mask it. Dagur kicked me again.

"Suit yourself. Hey! I've got an idea!" he yanked me up by the shirt again. "Let you live, but drive you insane! That'd break Berk. You where once a great tribe, but a mad chief would be priceless!"

"I thought you'd already lost it," I said, earning a punch in the jaw.

"Shut it, Haddock," Dagur snarled. "I'd give my left hand to see the reaction of your fiance. You know, I never really liked her. She was always too suspicious of me. And mean. I wonder how a little runt like you won her heart."

"Your one to talk," I muttered. "Who'd wanna date a mad man like you?"

Dagur glared at me. "You seem less cautious."

I shrugged. "Seeing I'll die soon, I've got some stuff to get off my chest."

"Like what?" Dagur asked in a deadly calm voice.

"Like you spit when you talk, your breath smells like rotting fish and yak poop, I think your island is a little boring, I mean, at least Outcast island has good scenery, um, I hate you..."

"Really?" Dagur asked. "These are your secrets?"

"What?" I asked. "I've told most of them to you to your face."

"True," Dagur said. He dropped me and kicked me again. "But your a pretty secretive boy, Hiccup. I've got a feeling that you're hiding some things from me."

"Like the secrets of my fight suit?" I asked.

Dagur gave me a twisted smile. "Of course. And your going to give it to me, or I'll destroy that very suit."

"What?" I asked.

"I'll be right back," Dagur said. He left me alone in the freezing rain, alone, for about twenty minutes. When he came back, he was holding a mass of cloth and armor. I knew immediatly that it was my flight suit. I sucked in a gasp.

"Tell me, Hiccup," Dagur said. "Will you make me a flight suit?"

I swollowed. "No."

I saw Dagur rolling his eyes. "You are a tough one, aren't you?"

"I was raised by Stoick the Vast," I said. "I think I can handle myself."

"Suit yourself," Dagur said. "Ha, suit. And I'm gonna burn your suit! Ha! Get it?"

I didn't answer. I was looking at my flight suit. It had taken me a year tp come up with the design, and three more years to perfect it! I couldn't let Dagur burn it! I tugged against my chains.

"You agree to help me, or I'll burn your precious flight suit tomorrow."

I bit my lip. Then an idea came to me. I tried to relax. "Well you'll still kill me. What would be the point of trying to pursued me?"

Dagur threw down the flight suit. "You little runt!" Then he froze, composed himself and looked at me. "What about the memory of you?"

I shrugged. "I don't think my friends and family will need that to remind them of me."

Dagur lost it. He kicked me right- uh, you know what, nevermind. I let out a groan of pain. He kicked me a couple more times, then punched me. Soon my lip and nose where bleeding heavily. My limbs where numb and my ribs burned. Then, Dagur took out a knife. I stared at the weapon, terrified of what Dagur could do to me.

"I know how to kill you a hundred different ways with a simple knife," Dagur said, holding me down. "Which way is most painful?"

I tried to wiggle out of Dagur's grip. It was useless.

Now, this would've been the very painful end to Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, if I hadn't been saved by an unlikely person. "Dagur!" came a shout.

Dagur rolled his eyes and looked up. "Don't you see I'm in the middle of something?"

"I'm still not done with him yet!" Alvin yelled. "Now go home. I think you need to sleep off that mead."

Dagur glared, well, daggers into me. He sheathed his knife with a huff, giving me a shallow cut in the cheek. "Your lucky this time, Hiccup."

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