Chapter 10: Hiccup

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I woke up to banging on metal. I opened my eyes partially and looked outside the closed door. There was a dent in one of the bars. I swollowed. The cause of it was a very cross looking Alvin the Treacherous.

"Get up," he said.

I'd never seen him like this. I leaned on the wall for support. "Let me guess," I said, trying to stay calm. "You want me to make you a flight suit."

"I'm not going to today," Alvin said. "And I won't until you finally give in. No one's invincible. I just have to know your weaknesses. We start today. I already know you're a weakling for your dragon and you're village, but I need to know about you personally."

"I'm an open book," I said.

"Sure," Alvin said. He opened my cell door and grabbed me. "We'll start subtle today." He chained my hands together.

Subtle? I thought. I wonder what that could mean.

Alvin dragged me out of the prison. Even though the sun was behind clouds, the dim light was blinding. I hadn't been out of there since I was brought here and the only light I'd seen was fire from the forges.

Hundreds of Outcasts where out and about. When they saw me, they either sneered at me or laughed in my face. "Oh, look," someone shouted. "It's Berk's poor little, orphaned cheif."

"Don't forget weakling!" Someone else shouted.

I gitted my teeth as Alvin pulled me along. A couple spit at me. Some missed, but most of it hit me. Is this the way to break me? I asked myself with heavy doubt.

I was dragged into a courtyard. There was a single post sitting in the middle of the courtyard. A coil of rope was wrapped around it. I bit the inside of my cheek. Please don't be what I think it is! I swollowed, trying to look braver then I felt.

Alvin dragged me over and dropped me. He uncoiled the rope, no, whip, from the wooden post. Up close I relised that there was still dried bloodstains from earlier victims. One of Alvin's men chained my hands to the chains on the post. I chewed my lip, prepping myself for what would come next. I was terrified.

When they made sure my hands where secure, one of the men pulled my shirt up over my head, exposing my back. I gipped the post with both hands and clenched my teeth together. I couldn't give Alvin the pleasure of me begging for mercy. Then, without warning, the first blow came.

No matter how hard I tried to keep my cry in, it came out. It felt like fire more then just a rope with shards of glass and other little bits in it. My fingernails bit into the wood. The next blow came. Crack! Another. Crack!

I was crying now. Tears streamed down my face. Crack! I pulled desperatly on my chains with no success. Crack! Now my nails where biting into my own palms. Crack! Crack! Crack!

"Will you make me a fight suit?" Alvin demanded.

I swollowed the metalic taste of blood in my mouth. I had accidentally bit my cheek. "Never!" I choked out. Crack! Another cry. More tears. Crack! Crack! Crack!

I lost count of how many times Alvin hit me with the whip after fifteen. I was there for about ten minutes, but it felt like a day. My back was on fire and my wrists where rubbed raw from the chains.

Alvin had carelessly thrown my shirt over the wounds. "Hope this teaches you a lesson, Hiccup."

He roughly unchained my hands but left the shackes on my wrists. He dragged me as carelessly as he did when he brought me out here. I cried out in pain whenever he brushed my torn back. I knew I'd have scars there that would never heal.

He took me back to my cell the threw me in. Thankfully I didn't land on my back, but more on my face. "Will you make me a flight suit?" Alvin asked standing over me.

"Get it through your thick skull, Alvin," I said. "I'll never help you! You'll have kill me before I give in."

"Let's hope thats a lie, then," Alvin said. He gently set his foot on back. Even with that little of pressure, I winced in pain. He stepped a little harder and tears sprung to my eyes. A little more and I gritted my teeth as the tears fell. Then, Alvin put about three more pounds on my back and I screamed. "You are a hard one, aren't you Hiccup?" He asked. "I'm going to have fun with you."

Then, he left, mockingly leaving the door open. So close to freedom, but I couldn't move. I just stared at the open cell door. My eyelids where heavy. I couldn't fight the tiredness. The last feelings I had were longingness for the ones I love and the feeling of my shirt becoming damp with my own blood.

Oh, I felt so heartless writing this chapter!
I hope y'all are enjoying this story!
More to come soon, hopefully
I wonder what'll happen next.

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