Chapter 29: Hiccup

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I watched out the window as the dragons flew by. If I wasn't stuck in bed, I might have gotten up and tried to help train them.

Camicazi would sometimes come into my room and talk to me for hours. That girl knew how to make a coversation last, evwn if I only got in two words.

As soon as I could walk, I tried to teach the Bog Burglurs how to train dragons. They didn't get it at first. They mostly wanted to lob off their dragon's head and be over with. I'd already talked to Bertha, and we've come to an alliance. It was nice to know that I had people that could help us out.

After about three days after I had come to this island, it was time to go home. I didn't finish the training, but Camicazi and her mom insisted that I get back to my own island. Mom and Toothless are probably worried sick! At least Astrid let them know where I was.

I was already halfway to Berk. I decided to go the long way so I didn't pass into Outcast waters. I didn't need Alvin getting a hold of me again. Now, the only concern I had was the dark clouds above. It looked like a storm was coming.

I ate an apple from the provisions the Bog-Burglurs had given me. For some reason, I was feeling a little restless.

About a half an hour or so later, I spotted Berk. I was expecting to see my quiet village going through their daily lives, without a care in the world, maybe even my mom waiting for me on the beach. But never would I have thought to find the entire Outcast armada in our harbor. I grabbed my spyglass and looked to see what was going on.
I didn't see much at first, but I did spot my mom on Cloudjumper. She looked like she was fighting against an Outcast hard. Then I spitted the twins and Snotlout, all three fighing like maniacs. Fishlegs and Gobber were giving out weapons and repairing them as fast as they could.

At last, I spotted Alvin. He was holding onto someone. It was a girl, but I couldn't see who because he was blocking her. She was shouting orders to his men in a voice that I could almost hear. As I got a little closer, I saw who the girl was.

It was Astrid.

Oh, anyone who touches my fiancé without my permission would pay! But I couldn't just walk onto the shore. I had to go around and find another place to dock. I had to protect my village. I couldn't let anyone die on my watch.


I ran through the forest as fast as I could. I had to get to the battle before it was too late. Alvin probably wants me, and that's what I'd give him, if it meant the protection of my village.

The first person I bumped into was Bucket, who was escorting the older men and woman and the children away from the fight. "Chief Hiccup!" Bucket said with a smile. He grabbed my shoulders "I'm glad to see you're safe."

I smiled quickly. "Good to see you too, Bucket. I'd love to chat, but I've gotta go see how I can help."

Bucket nodded. "Your mother and dragon's been worried sick about you."

"I'm guessing they have," I said over my shoulder, running towards the battle.

I ran past vikings fighting, fires, dragons fighing the outcasts, and the shouts of surprise I was here. I had to make it to my mom and Astrid.

An Outcast tripped me. I slipped out of his grip before he lobbed my head off with an ax. All I cared about was making sure Astrid and my mom were safe.

"Hey!" I yelled as loud as I could.

Everyone nearby stopped fighting to look at me. My mom's face broke into a smile, and so did Astrid's. Alvin smirked. "Well, if it isn't Berk's little hiccup."

"Let her go Alvin," I said.

"As soon as you agree with me to make a flight suit."

I looked at Astrid. She shook her head. Alvin grabbed her by the hair and frorced her head up. He moved a small knife to her chin. "Well, its your choice, Hiccup."

I chewed my lip. If I said no, Astrid would die. If I said yes, multiple others would die. I look Alvin in the eye. Well, he could do whatever he wanted with me. "Fine."

Alvin smirked. "Ah, love. It can be your downfall." He took the knife away from Astrid's throat. "Its your greatest weakness, Hiccup." He took the knife and plunged it into Astrid's stomach.

I could barely process what had happened until Alvin dropped Astrid on the ground. Her face was scrunched up in pain.

I ran over to her side and took her into my arms. "No, no no no no!"

Astrid gripped my arm, breathing heavily. "I'm fine," she gasped out.

"N-no, you're not!" I said, my vision blurring.

Before I knew it, two Outcasts grabbed me by the arms and pulled me away from Astrid. "No!" I screamed at them. "Let me go!"

Something big and black soared over my head, knocking the two Outcasts off me. I ran back to Astrid's side. My mom was trying to lift her up by herself. I helped her and we tried to rush her in the house. As soon as we got her in bed, I ran back out. "I'll get Gothi," I said.

Mom shook her head. "There's a war going on. I'll take care of her. Go get Toothless and get rid of those Outcasts! Be the cheif Berk needs!"

I nodded. I ran out and as soon as I was, a black dragon tackled me to the ground and started to lick me furiously, but lovingly. "Eww! Toothless!"

He gave me a toothless smile. I gave him a quick hug. "Yeah, I missed you too, bud. Not let's get these Outcasts out of our village."

Toothless nodded in agreement. I got on his back and locked my foot into place. "Come on, bud. Let's make Alvin pay for what he did to Astrid and our tribe."

I let out the Hooligain battle cry. Other Berkians followed in my example. Toothless made his own sort of battle cry and the dragons returned it.

And so, the battle raged on.

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