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I was exhausted. My body had never been so drained from sex as it was this morning. I could hear the banging on the door, and feel the sun beaming in from behind the curtains, but I didn't get up.

I even felt Rio stroke my hair to one side and kiss my ear before getting up, but I still couldn't manage to get myself up.

My ass was sore, and I'm sure I had a couple welts- that I asked for. My head hurt too. From him wrapping my hair around his fist to sit me up from behind.

I let out a moan and flipped to my back before stretching. I was under his sheet, still completely nude. I sat up searching the floor for any of my clothes.

I slid my legs from the bed and moved over to his closet. I found a pile of shirts stacked on a rack and grabbed a black one.

I slipped it on and moved into his bathroom, there was an unopened toothbrush sitting there, making me smile.

I used the toilet and brushed my teeth. I splashed some water on my face then moved out of the bathroom. I didn't know how long Rio had been up or what he had been doing.

When I pulled the door open and stepped down the hall, tugging his shirt down, further over my thighs. I had no idea where my underwear were.

"Rio?" I called, moving out of the hall. I sucked in a gasp, holding the ends of his shirt over my thighs. He was standing at his door with two men. I'd recognized one as the man who was watching me before my last meeting with Rio.

"Uh..." Rio glanced back at me, letting his eyes crawl over me. "Yeah, just handle that and get back to me." Rio kept his eyes on me as he opened the door for them, letting them out.

"Later boss." One of them spoke.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, as he shut the door and locked it.

"Sorry." I muttered. "I-I didn't know there was anyone here. And I couldn't find my clothes." I let my eyes wander the floor.

"They're in the dryer." He spoke, tugging his lip between his teeth. "But I think you look pretty good in my clothes." He shrugged.

I sent him a smirk.

"I um... Had fun last night-"

"What'chu wanna leave already?" He asked, tilting his head.

I crossed the room slowly, letting go of the shirt. "Did you have something else in mind?" I asked as I stood in front of him, I didn't nearly feel as bold as I was with liquor in me, but I did feel good.

"Yeah." He nodded, wrapping his arms around my back and my butt, picking me up. "Breakfast."

The smell of bacon hadn't registered until he had said something.

"Oh." I muttered, as he sat me on the kitchen counter. He moved the to opposite side, grabbing a plate with bacon eggs and a pile of fruit.

Staying for breakfast was the last thing I expected from him. But then again he was so gentle and considerate with me and my body last night, I wouldn't have expected that either.

He stabbed a piece of the egg lifting it to my mouth. His eyes watched as I opened my mouth, taking it off the fork.

"Sleep okay Mama?" He asked, lifting another bite.

"I did." I held back a smirk. "I'm so sore." I admitted.

He searched my face before apologizing. "Was I too rough?" He asked, putting the fork down to lift my chin and search my neck.

"No, no you were great." I assured, removing my chin from his fingers. "I've never really been so rough but..." I shook my head, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. "Everything... Everytime was just so explosive." I closed my eyelids to roll my eyes. "I don't think I've ever cum so hard in my life."

A smirk materialized over his lips at my dirty words.

"Careful Ma, you're gonna inflate my ego." He chuckled, returning to feeding me.

"Aren't you hungry?" I asked, chewing the last piece of fruit he gave me.

"Oh, I thought you'd never ask, Mami." He pushed the plate into the sink, keeping his eyes on mine. His arms wrapped around my thighs, picking them up, and sliding me forward on the counter.

I gasped at him as he bent forward pressing a kiss to the inside of my thigh. I leaned back on my elbows, throwing my head back as he kissed my most sensitive nub.

"Rio!" I moaned. He never rushed. He took his time to really drive me crazy. His hands slid up and down my legs, pushing them over his shoulder, and bending them up to my chest.

"Oh my- Rio!" I cried. He pulled away kissing at my knee, then pulling me forward to the edge of the table.

"Am I your Rio?" He asked, tilting his head.

I stared at the man before me, every ounce of my body wanting to scream yes and drag him back to bed... But my rational side was slapping me back to reality.

What am I doing? This guy threatened me into doing something illegal! He's probably killed people with the very gun he held to my head.

I cleared my throat, and watched his eyebrow lift.

"Oh. I see." He nodded, twisting his jaw in anger. "Let me get your things." He moved away from me.

"Wait Rio." I slid off of the counter. "Wait!" I yelled, getting him to stop. "What? What do you see?" I asked. My eyes flicked over him.

"What are you doing here with me, Isabel?"

It was the first time he's used my actual name since yesterday.

"Passing time, Rio! That's what you offered." I reminded.

His eyes softened and he nodded.

Rio had let her get to his head. He was possessive and he was really showing it.

"So what then? How much time you got?" He asked.

"How much can I get?" I stepped forward, before getting to him I tugged his shirt from off of me, leaving me bare again.

I only stayed until that night. He took me home and walked me up to my door.

"Thank you." I whispered, hesitating to lean forward to kiss him. My lips parted to suck in a breath, then sigh it out.

His smirk showed up, urging one out of me. His arms wrapped around my waist tugging me in slowly. He lifted my chin with his finger and left me with a soft kiss.

"No problem Mama. I'll be in touch." He squeezed my chin and bit at his full lip. He dropped his hand and turned toward the elevator.

After I shut my door I glanced around my apartment. It felt empty and boring. It felt like me. And I definitely wasn't feeling like me.

I bit at my lip and before I could stop myself I was pulling the door open again. "Wait!"

Rio was in the elevator. I watched him stick his hand out, stopping it.

"Yes Ma?" He asked from the end of the hall.

"You..." I chuckled. "You wanna pass some time?" I held onto my door jam. "I have rum."

He stepped out of the elevator and returned to my door, instantly lifting his hands to cup my cheeks.

"You had me at 'wait'." He smirked, pushing me inside the door.

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