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Rio and I took turns seeing one another, taking each other out, and staying at each other's places.

He ended up giving me a copy of his key to get in early when I had made him dinner.

But now it's been a week that I hadn't talked to him.

I asked if he wanted to join me and my parents at Lake St. Claire where we spread my brothers ashes. This weekend was the tenth anniversary of his death.

Maybe I scared him off? I mean we've been seeing each other for like a week now, and I proposed meeting my parents on a super important day.


I sighed, looking at myself in the rear view mirror before opening my door.

It was starting to warm up but the breeze was still chilly.

I immediately spotted my parents where my dad was sitting on a bench and my mom was standing beside him, holding her arms around herself.

"Hey." I called, getting her to turn quickly.

"Hi baby." An easy smile spread over her lips, and she released herself to hug me. I breathed in her Jasmine perfume and a wave of comfort instantly relaxed me.

"Hi Dad." I said, letting my mom go, as he stood.

"Hey Mija." He smiled, wrapping his arms around me. "How are you doing?"

"I've been doing really good." I nodded, letting out a chuckle. I'd been happier these past few months than I'd been in a long time.

"That good huh?" My mom asked, taking my hand in hers and leading me onto the Pier.

"Work is good." I shrugged.

"And? Tell me about anything but work?" My dad sighed.

They thought I focused too much on my career. Which... I kind of did. I didn't have a boyfriend or friends. I only had Sam and Diego, and now Rio.

"I've been going out more." I shrugged. "With Sammy."

"And how's that boy?" My mom tugged at my hand, making me shake my head.

"I told you that was nothing, Mom." I shook my bangs from my face as the breeze blew them across my face.

"Yeah, he's her boss." My dad growled.

"So what?" My mom laughed. "You were my boss too!"

"Exactly." My dad raised his eyebrow, making me chuckle.

When we got to the end my mom tugged a prayer candle out of her purse.

Each year we bring a new one and leave it lit. I don't know what happens to them, people probably toss them, or they get knocked into the water.

I never was religious and neither was Isaiah, but it made my parents feel better, so I let them.

I held their hands after my mom lit it then bowed my head as she started her prayer.

I had my own tradition. After I caught up with my parents and they said their prayers, they'd leave and I sat at the end of the Pier to talk to him. Catch him up on everything.

"Mija... I want to see you more often." My dad sighed, before turning to leave. "You should come down. I'll close the restaurant, we can spend the weekend together, huh?" He rubbed my shoulder.

I had definitely slacked on seeing my parents. They moved to Ann Arbor with their restaurant several years ago. I think being in the city made it hard for them.

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