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The restaurant didn't look like much on the outside- just a lone brick building. Though it was small the vibe was pretty quality. I could instantly tell these dishes were going to be expensive.

Rio held the door open for me, then pulled my seat out- he was quite the gentleman.

"Can I start you off with some drinks?" The waiter asked after introducing himself.

Rio sat his menu down, allowing me to answer first.

"I'll take a glass of the Pinot Grigio." I said, setting my menu down and slipping my coat off of my shoulders and onto my chair.

"Make that a bottle." Rio spoke. "Two glasses."

"Rio." I scolded. I had purposely ignored the prices by the bottles once I saw them trailing into the three digits.

"No worries, Mama." He shook his head.

When he returned and poured our glasses I lifted mine to his.


"To you." He interrupted me. I knew better than to disagree, so I sipped the wine anyway. "So... You do what you do because of your brother?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I find it sort of comforting- as demented as that sounds."

"I get it." He shrugged.

"So you have a son?" I mentioned. He sat his glass down and raised his eyebrows. "I saw the pictures in your apartment. He's cute."

"Thanks. Yeah, his name's Marcus, he's eight." He lifted his elbow to the table. "What about you, you got any kids?"

"No." I chuckled. "Like I said before, shit taste in men."

The words spilled out of my mouth before I realized how rude I sounded.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"No, you're right. I can be an asshole. I mean I have to be." He shrugged.

My mind wandered to his threats early on in our relationship.

"Isabel." He cleared his throat, getting my attention. "I would've never picked you if I knew I'd like you this much, okay?"

I sighed at his words, but still nodded.

"I understand Rio."

"Yeah, and you can call me Chris. This ain't work."

I looked across the table at him, taking in his features. He was wearing a black collarless,  button up, displaying his tattoo perfectly.

"I think I like the way Rio sounds coming out of my mouth, better." I purred.

He pulled his glass from his lips, swallowing before coughing into his fist.

"Just saying." I sat back guiltily. I sent him an innocent pout, making him shake his head at me.

"You better watch your mouth baby." He shook his head.

"Or what?" I tested. His eyes fluttered with anticipation as he opened his mouth to answer.

"Okay are you guys ready to order?" The waiter returned.

I enjoyed our cat and mouse game most of the time, but it was refreshing to spend time with the authentic Rio. No threats, no weapons, just him and his delicious smirk.

"This is nice." Rio confessed. "It's been a while since I've had an adult conversation- a regular adult conversation."

"It is nice." I agreed. "So did you grow up here?"

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