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When I'd returned to work I was surprised by a call from the DA. I didn't get any information from him at my appointment with him.

"Hello? Ms. Reyes?"

"Yes, District Attorney Guymon, how are you?" I cleared my throat, moving away from my computer.

"Good, I trust you enjoyed your holiday break?"

"Uh, sure." I nodded. "We're you able to talk to... Mr. Flores' attorney?"

"I was." He paused, once I reached the office door. I rolled my eyes, waiting for him to continue. "Mr. Flores is enrolled in an education program for inmates, and if they show promising efforts they get rewarded for it."

My jaw dropped.

"I'm sorry, but that's bullshit. He's a convicted murderer-"

"With no priors." He reminded.

"Okay so what? His conviction and sentence doesn't even count because of good behavior?" I spat into the phone, trying to be as discreet as I possibly could be in a full courthouse.

"And volunteer work credits."

"Well then it's a good thing you're going to do your job and convince the judge to keep him where he's supposed to be. Thanks for your time."

I pulled my phone away from my ear and hung up.

My phone trembled in my grasp and I released a slow, grounding breath.

I shook my head, opening my eyes to see the floor blurred by my pissed tears.

I wasn't blind to the system failing people. It happened a lot. Misunderstood people, biased judges, or attorneys, and plenty of circle shaped rules for box shaped crimes.

I swallowed the bile that had crawled it's way up my throat and moved back into the office.

Sam was readily curious and concerned.

"What'd they say?" She watched me over her glasses as I took my seat.

"Good behavior program." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay- but fifteen years early good behavior?" She huffed.

"Yeah. Bullshit." I nodded.

"Well... It's a hearing. Nothing's guaranteed." She lifted her hand to give my arm a reassuring squeeze.

"Ugh." I glanced at the clock on my screen. "Two more hours." I sighed.

I was done with this week, and ready for a hot shower and cold rum.

"I'm just ready to go home and get drunk." I thought out loud, opening a new tab to finish my files.

Sam had weekend plans with her husband, so I guess I was drinking alone.

"I need a dog, or a cat, or even a fucking bird." I whined, after kicking my shoes off at the door. I began unbuttoning my dress shirt and left it thrown over the sofa. I B- lined to the kitchen to place my liquor bottle in the freezer.

I abandoned my pants at my bedroom door then stripped completely naked before setting my shower to hot.

The hot water seemed to do the job of making me feel clean. I never needed it before losing my brother, but the thought of having been touched by such filth- it was a hard feeling to forget.

After scraping the dead and some of the healthy skin from my arms, I wrapped myself in my robe, wasting no time to dry myself.

The glass of my bottle was perfectly frosted from the freezer. I tore the seal from it and pulled the cork out, bringing the rim to my lips.

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